•Chapter 6•

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~Cherri's Pov~

I open the door only to see who it is. It's that radio bitch. He tries to come inside but I push him back out. I hear the static around him get louder before it quiets down. He glares at me then recomposes himself.

"Is Angel here? Charlie told me this was his personal room and I wanted to talk to him."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Why? So you can yell at him some more? I think not. You need to leave." He honestly looks taken aback that someone dares speak back to him. He sighs in frustration and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I need to apologize for my rude behavior towards him earlier. It wasn't my intention to upset him. I was just angry is all. Having said that, can I please talk to him?"

I'm contemplating whether I believe him or not. "Look, buddy, you upset him pretty bad. I don't know if I believe you or not but it doesn't matter. What you said was fucked. Also, he's asleep and I'm not waking him up to talk to you. You can come back later. That'll give me some time to figure out if I believe you or not or if I give a shit if you're actually sorry. You can kindly fuck off now."

I close the door in his face and go back to Angel. I lay down next to him and snuggle up to him. I think about the Radio Demon's words for a few minutes before I fall asleep.

- - - - - - - -

~Angel's Pov~

I wake up with Cherri laying next to me. I shake her awake and then I get up to stretch. I forgot about the cut because when I stretch, it hurts like hell and I can feel it reopening.

"Angellll," Cherri whines. "You just reopened the cut. Whatever healing it did while you were sleeping was just undone."

Cherri was right. It started bleeding again. She grabbed the first aid kit and I sat on my bed while she changed my bandages. After that, I got a new clean shirt to put on. The other one was slashed and bloody. I looked at the time and it was dinner time.

I took Cherri's hand and dragged her downstairs. Once we got there, everyone was already ready to eat. I sat down with them and Cherri sat next to me.

"I'm so glad to have you over for dinner, Cherri! A friend of Angel's is a friend of mine." I looked at Cherri waiting to see how she would respond to what Charlie had said. "Yeah, yeah. It's great to be here or whatever."

I obviously had to tease Cherri for not keeping the conversation going. "For a bitch that loves to run her mouth, you're really bad at conversation today. You were chatting it up in the room with me but now you're all quiet." Cherri looked at me and rolled her eye.

"Oh, shut up. Only reason I was talking so much was to get you to shut up about how hot those lame ass guys were." I laughed at her reply and we all just started talking from there.

After dinner, me and Cherri went outside. "If you ever need me again, I'll come by in a flash just like today." I smiled and hugged her. She hugged back then we pulled away and she kissed my forehead. I kissed hers back and she walked away.

~Alastor's Pov~

I watch as Angel went outside and talked with his friend. Once I see her leave, I walk outside. "Hello there, Angel Darling." I see him flinch and something in me... hurts. He quickly recovers from his little 'blunder' then looks at me and winks at me. "Heeyyy there, Al~" I brush off the gross tone and sigh.

"Angel, look, I'm sorry for the way I treated you before. I didn't mean to yell at you. I just got angry. I'm sorry for calling you a slut and for all the other things I said. I had no reason to say such things. I should have been more in control of my emotions."

I see Angel's expression change and watch his face soften. He smiles and chuckles softly. "I forgive you, Al. It's perfectly fine. Just, uhh, don't do it again, kay? Shout in' ain't my thing. I hate it." He says the last part awkwardly. The way he says it makes that same part of me that's hurting, hurt more. I don't like that.

I push the hurt aside but my smile reflects my inner turmoil. "Angel, your friend told me you were pretty upset by what I said. I mean it when I say I'm sorry, Angel. Also, you need not lie about your emotional state. I understand if I hurt you."

Angel's eyes widen every so quickly before he plasters a smile on his face. It's not quite fake yet not quite real. It's both at the same time. He chuckles again and rolls his eyes. "And I mean it when I say I forgive you, Al. You were mad and you didn't mean it. People tend to say things they don't mean when they're angry. Trust me, I would know." The inner hurt doesn't go away but my smile widens once again and I nod. "If that's truly how you feel then that's all I had to say. Thank you for your time."

I head back inside. I should be satisfied that he forgave me but that stupid hurt inside isn't leaving. I'll have get checked for that. I have no clue what it is. Before the door closes, Angel says, "You're welcome you sexy ass." I turn around and glare at him then roll my eyes and make my way to the kitchen. That comment didn't disgust me as much as it annoyed me. It was clearly forced. Maybe as a way to prove he's unaffected by my earlier comment. I am not aware of his reasoning. I was gunna wash the dishes but it turns out someone had already done them.

It was probably either Niffty or Charlie. I'll have to thank whoever it was. I head to my room to relax for the rest of the night. Today has been... rather confusing.


(Ayyyyooooo! I updated this chapter and changed some shit around. This one got a bigger rewrite than the last chapter. Is Al... feeling FEELINGS?! Lol, I love that silly guy. N e ways, I hope you enjoyed the rewrite.)

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