Leo and Calypso

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My friend Clary is signed in under my account on Wattpad. So if there are random chapters about Hamilton stuff, then you'll know it's her typing. Well now that that's been said, here's the chapter.


Calypso's POV:

I was in bunker 9 with Leo watching him work on something. Even though we had come to CHB a few years ago I was still a bit nervous that the new campers would realize who I am and then be rude to me about it. But I was happy that Leo's friends, who are now also my friends, accepted me. I was worried that Percy would accept me because of the curse I put on Annabeth. Though I didn't know that it would ever happen. AND in Tartarus. But he knows I did it out of anger when I wasn't really thinking. Never mind that. Now I am happy with Leo. "...so, that's what I have just finished making." Oops. I guess I was too caught up in my thoughts and didn't hear Leo. "Sunshine. Were you even listening?"

"Sorry. I got caught up in my thoughts and didn't hear you. And. Don't call me Sunshine!!!"

"That's fine, but what were you thinking about." He had a look of worry on his face.

"Nothing important. You don't have to worry."

"Ok. Do you want to go do something else?"


As we were walking out of bunker 9 there was a small ball of light. Leo noticed it. And told me to run. I didn't listen to him. A few seconds later we were both sucked up into the light. It was kind of like a portal. A very bright portal.

The portal left us at the dining pavilion at CHB. I looked around and saw Leo, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, and a bunch of younger versions of ourselves. Hazel ran up to us and handed us a letter. "Read it." She said.

I immediately obeyed. Leo didn't. He was starting to head off towards Jason when I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "No no no pretty boy. You will stay here and read this note with me. Once you are done you can go over to your boyfriend." He frowned and I smiled. When we introduced ourselves I introduced myself as Calypso Moonlace. Otherwise they would be asking me questions about if I'm the real Calypso or not, all day. And I don't want that happening.

As soon as we introduced ourselves Leo ran over to Jason and started talking to him. Piper and Hazel came over and Piper said, "Come on!!! We need to show you someone!!!"

"Who?" I asked cautiously.

"Two people. And you know them both personally." Hazel said.

"That still doesn't tell me who." I actually didn't know who. I wasn't lying. Like some people, *cough*LEO*cough*. What! That wasn't me!

"Just come on." Piper repeated.

They first dragged me over to the Hermes table. And then pointed to a person with raven black hair and sea-green eyes. Wait. Black hair and sea-green eyes! "YOU'RE PERCY ARE'NT YOU!!?!!"

"Umm. Yes I am. And can you please stop screaming."

"Sorry. But you're adorable!!!"

"Thank you. I guess."

"Ok. Now it's time to see Leo." Piper said dragging back to the head table.

"But I've already seen Leo." I said, deeply confused about everything.

"Not OUR Leo!! PAST Leo!" Hazel explained.

"Oh." I simply stated.

When we got to the head table the two girls dragged me to Leo. "Hi. You're Calypso Moonlace, right? From the future?" Leo said being as clueless as Percy.

"Yeah. And you're Leo from the past?"


There was an awkward silence.

"I know you're future self pretty well. He was one of my first friends here at camp."


"Also. You're adorable. You're so scrawny. Just like your future self, but with less muscle."

"Thanks, I guess. Umm. You look pretty." Wow. He actually complimented me. And as an 11 year old Leo. I'm kind of impressed.

"Thanks. I have to go talk to the rest of the people from my time period. Bye." I was very awkward right then. That is not like me. Or Leo. Who was just as awkward as me.

I went to the people from my time period and started talking to them when Chiron called Leo and I over to talk. We went to the Big House where he told us that we would be staying in the Poseidon cabin, along with the rest of the people who were transported here.

When we got back to the dining pavilion, Leo and I went back to the group and started talking with them. After about ten minutes or so there was another ball of light gradually getting bigger by the second. Then two people were there. Two of my friends.


I don't really have anything to say here so here's the question of the chapter.

What are the names of Annabeth's step-mom and step-brothers?

-Mirella and Clary

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