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So I wrote this poem about two characters from Genshin impact. Here it is.


~Lilac Eyes~

His lilac eyes, now burned into my soul.
My favorite thing about him.
I used to be overjoyed with the thought of them.
The color, filling up my mind.
But now, when I think of him, I just feel pain.

I remember him reaching out to me.
Begging me to help him.
Staring at me with large lilac eyes.

I was helpless at the time.
Unable to help him.
But wanting to, so bad.
I knew if I tried, we would both wind up dead.

Although now I wish I did help.
I would rather us both be dead than just him.
I didn't want to live in a world without my one true love.
Love is a disease that knows no law.

I looked down at my hand.
The scar stains it.
The burn I got when I took his most precious item.
Staring at me.
Stalking me.
Each and every day.

I cried myself to sleep that night.
His eyes, the only thing in my mind.
I wanted him.
I missed him.
I wanted to feel his feather-like touch.
I should've helped him.
I didn't care if I died, I just wanted to be with him.
Even if he would never love me back.
Even if he would only think of me as a friend.
I just wanted to be in his presence again.
To just, once again, even if it was for the last time, gaze into his lilac eyes.


There it is. If you play Genshin try to guess who the characters are.

Hint: it's written in kazuha's perspective


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