Jason and Piper

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Piper's POV

It was almost curfew, but Jason and I were sitting on the roof of the Zeus cabin looking at the sparkling night sky while discussing battle tactics for the war games at Camp Jupiter when there was a bright flash that could be seen for about a mile. The last thing I saw before being engulfed in the light was Jason's confused face and crooked glasses.

After a few seconds in the light I saw that it was now daytime and Jason and I were standing in the middle of the dining pavilion. I looked around and saw a young version of me, Jason, and what I assume to be Leo, Frank, and Hazel. Chiron came up to us and handed me a note and told me and Jason to read it. We did. Then stated our names. Young me gasped and said, "you can't be me! Can you?"

I laughed at her confusion and replied with, "I am you. But I'm an older you. I'm 21."

I looked over at Jason who was talking to his past self. I overheard him saying that he was 21 and something else because of all of the chatter that was going around. Chiron raised his hoof, banged it on the ground twice, and shouted, "SILENCE!!" Everyone shut up. Chiron is scary when he wants to be.

I took a look around the place and saw that there were only 12 cabins. I was going to ask about it but then I remembered the promise the gods made after the Titan war.

"Past and future Piper and Jason please come with me to the Big House!" Chiron ordered, then adding, "Everyone else back to their activities!"

We followed Chiron to the Big House with people staring at us the entire way. But this was...weird. Like, weirder than anything I've heard or seen of before. And that's saying something.

Once in the safety of Chiron's office he looked straight at us and said, "Jason, Piper, explain your story."

After we were done he stroked his beard, "Long ago I the Oracle predicted something like this would happen. And so it has. You may stay in the Poseidon cabin with the others." He told our past selves to go back to our— wait do I say our or their? This entire thing is confusing. Eh. I'll figure it out later.

Jason was actually focused on the conversation and interrupted my thoughts by saying, "Others?"

Chiron smiled, just a little creepily, and said, "The rest of the seven, Nico, Will, Reyna, Calypso, Thalia, Katie, Travis, and Conner will be coming."

I needed some time to think, "Ok, I'm going to go to the Poseidon cabin...Jason you coming?"

"Sure. But let's find past Percy first"

That upped my mood a little—okay a whole LOT. "OH MY GODS! YEEEEEEESSSSSSSS! Bye Chiron! COME ON JASON COME ON!!!!!" I grabbed Jason by the wrist and pulled him out the door.

I ran off to the Poseidon table but couldn't find Percy anywhere. Then I realized that he probably hadn't been claimed yet so I went to the Hermes table still dragging Jason. I found Percy's raven black hair in the crowd of half-bloods talking to someone with sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and a scar running from his eye to his jawline. I immediately realized that it was Luke Castellan. I dragged Jason behind me and made my way over to Percy. He saw me and said, "You're future Piper right? And you're future Jason?"

"Yes." I said calmly while examining his face. It looked like Percy, but he didn't have the scars or the look of brokenness in his eyes. For once he looked calm. Before I could contain it I screamed, "OH MY GODS!!!! YOU'RE SOOO ADORABLE PERCY!!! But man were you scrawny."

"Thanks about the adorable part. But. Hey! About the scrawny." Percy complained.

"Sorry but compared to you in the future. You're scrawny. Even scrawnier than Leo. And Leo's scrawny. Trust me."

"It's fine. But you're from the future right?" He asked with a hint of worry in his face.


"So...do I ever see my mom again?"

"I don't think I'm allowed to say yet. But her blue cookies are delicious!" I hinted. What!?! It's not like I directly told him 'you're mom's fine. I saw her last week.' So that's the best I can do.

I think he figured it out because his face lit up. Though not as much as when Annabeth told him her big news. But he also looked a bit scared when she told him. But he was happy. Very happy. Past Percy also said, "Thanks!" to me.

"No probs Perce." I realized Jason was being very quiet. I turned around and he wasn't there anymore. I looked around and saw him talking to his past self. I started walking towards him. I got to him and then there was another bright light. I looked away. Along with everyone else. And when we looked back I saw 2 familiar faces.
There's the third chapter.

I've decided to give you a question based of of a mystery in the chapter. If you guess it you get a blue cookie. Here's the question:

What's Annabeth's big surprise?

-Mirella and Clary

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