END part one

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I head to my room in one thought running through my head revenge .i get to my room took a fast shower and while I was getting ready to the party ,it hit me, I don't have to care so much to revenge best way is to let it go I mean he will never love me at least not the way I do and in his eyes I always be the girl whom he bought with money , isn't that why he is back with his girlfriend .

So I ve decided to have fun at the party and have sex one last time with him but this time I ll do it because I ll miss him and because I want our last time to be special at least for me.

I finished my hair and put on my dress ,which was pretty almost skin colored opened from the back body fitted dress .curled my hair and headed to party .since the party is all about Ceos ,managers in one open floor and the rest of us have our own floor to party, because the ppl who organized it wanted everybody to have fun separately (i.e the VIPs party differently).

As I was locking my room ...

-yam you look edible. he said while eyeing me slowly

-I ll save you a bite .you look amazing yourself... I said moving closer to him my chest touched his

-o...k he said his rising one eyebrow.

-so no NOs no stop it no I cannot believe you just said that!!.

-no none.

-you sound weird are you drunk already? Any ways I have something to tell you ... when I interrupted him and put my hand on his mouth.

-please not tonight let us enjoy it I really want to enjoy tonight. let's talk later . Clutched my arm in his and nodded for him to walk but he kept looking at me with thousand question marks.

We walked along the hall before entering the the Gala he stoped me by my arm.

-why there are blue marks o your waist? His eyes were scary and h sounded worried but before I had the chance to answer him he looked around and pulled me aside.

-what happened last night and DON'T YOU DARE GIVING ME THAT I FALL CRAB. he was grabbing my arm really hard our faces almost touching and our breath is mixed , I felt my heart is jumping and its impossible to calm it down at this point. I put my other hand on his hand he was grabbing me with it trying to losing his grab, when he noticed he was about to break my arm with his strong big hand.

-its nothing really please I told you I wanna enjoy tonight can you please let me ,I don't want to hear threats or see death stares and if you really care that much! Have me in your room tonight and I ll tell you everything happy sir? With hands cupping his face then I stretched my toes trying to reach his handsome dark face I left a small kiss on his cheek, then I left to get in the car .

-Sarah!!... Are you sure you are not high?! Shouted after me

Minutes then the snake descended ah.... And Mr. Knight as well we all ride the same car. The ride was full of awkward silence and dagger stares. Finally we are here.

As usual with these kind of parties people came to drope cards and get to know each other, well it was a business related party after all. So after all the hellos and the introductions and the exchange of business cards, everyone started to really losing up and people started dancing and be at ease.

Him and Mr.Knight and the horrible woman were up stairs in the glass floor with the other VIPs, as of me and the rest we were enjoying ourselves next to the bar and the dance floor down.

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