chapter nineteen

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"Ahh he is going away finally I got to have some peace" I was talking to myself when Lily pulled me so hard I pumped my head "so its true" she said and was so excited

"he is taking a vacation ...o m g did you know what I heard he didn't even believe in weekends he either works or know!!" winking at me and gesturing .

"Don't be ridiculous everybody take a day off its just rumors "I said trying to shift the subject away from sex because I get really weird and uncomfortable talking about it.

" ok ok lil missy its done now you have no excuse not to come next week to my birthday party at JONN's and don't tell me you have nothing to wear since I already decided that you ll come regardless of the presence of our dear boss I took the liberty to get you a dress ..And before saying anything you ll have to pay me back latter ok "I tried to thank her but she didn't stop talking so I won't have the opportunity to refuse going.

"It's red its hot it's amazing of course mine is more beautiful but you have to let it slid because it's my birthday. Ok got to go don't forget Thursday at JONN's" she said as she was running back to her office.

Well why not I think I deserve to have some fun this weekend and since Damion isn't here I won't get one of his late night work calls this weekend.

So I need shoes the party is two days from now I hope I can find something pretty and cheap too.

Well wake up next morning head to work it was a normal nice day at the office since Mr. Beard isn't here no one get yelled at or scolded by him and every one was buzzing about Lily's BD party tomorrow night.

I had something different in my mind *why he didn't call me at all this time even when he is away he used to call or at least send a Message checking work or something ..oh don't be silly he is in vacation after all I think even he knows how to have a good time.

So it my turn now I ve decided to really enjoy lily's party tomorrow so after work I thought to go shopping for shoes.

"So lily see you tomorrow right" lily shouted from the end of the hall to my office.

"Yap sure I ll be on time don't worry "I shouted back smiling and really excited

I was about to leave my office it was nearly 7pm that day when I ve got a weird message from Damion.

"I ll be in the office on Saturday I want you to there by 9 am "

"yes sir" that's all I replied to it though it simple message and he didn't say anything but it left a bitter test in my mouth for some reason, but I ve decided to have fun tomorrow night and now I have tons of stuff I need to do, my hair, I have to shave, and I have to buy a new shoes. So I am not thinking about Damion tonight.

I got to my apartment and my roommate were already in I said hi and they did too ,but as usual we never talked to each other went straight to my room started to go through my makeup which I hardly had any and my hair dryer things that I hardly ever use so they were in the back of my stuff I made a lot of noise I admit to get these things out of my closet , but when I get out of the closet I was so scared and surprised my two model roommates were hovering over my head which made me drop everything in my hand on the floor.

"what are you doing in this hour Sarah" Ashly said, she was the blond one, with her eyes wide open

"I was looking for my makeup kit and my hair drier" I said still frozen in my place we never talk and I am even more surprise they knew my name.

"but we never saw you using them before you have a date or something " Lisa said with a devilish look and gestures

"oh no not that but my friend's Bd party tomorrow and I have to go so I wanted to straightened my hair because it will take time to do it all tomorrow "I said trying to collect the make up from the floor as well as the broken hair dryer now .

" ohh wow a makeover let us do it for you and sweety that hair dryer is totally fried now beside curly hair is in for the fall and your hair is gorgeous I always wanted to have your hair type " she said helping me up and taking the stuff out of my hand then looking through my hair and examining it .

"true Ashly is the best with hair and makeup and she loves doing it so let her work her magic on you I am too tired " Lisa said kinda sarcastically and exited the room which made me anxious little bit.

"don't worry she is just hungry that's all we're going to have fun you ll look fabulous tomorrow night night" she said and she seemed excited even more than me.

Ok its all in Ashly's hands now and I cannt believe they are so nice but we didn't talk to each other and we have been living together for almost a year now , any ways I headed to bed after shaving everything and left the hair and makeup for Ashly to worry about ,though I really wanted to straighten my hair because last time I did was at the gala opening in New York and I felt amazing and my hair looked like it wasn't mine but I have no choice now my hair dryer is broken.

Next morning I woke up excited and feeling good it was so unlike me to be excited to go clubbing because I wasn't so comfortable with the night club atmosphere.

The day at the office nearly over but Lily didn't show or bring the dress she said she bought for me I ll be so sad if she forget it or something I never get this worked up over a party but it seemed I needed it.

"knock knock " Lily was stand out of my office with my dress on her handi never thought I would be that happy seeing her or it .

" you are late I thought you forgot about me" I said with a childish happy voice

"oh dear never I just got hold up people ket congratulate me on my Bd that's all ...hmm I never thought you would be this excited to go I thought I have to drag your fat butt along come on lets have one drink before we go " she said laughing ,and I laughed too then we had two drinks together before we parted ways she headed home to get ready, and I went to Damion's office to get ready too ,because going home and coming back to the club from my apartment would be a long way so I decided to change in Damion's room than I ll go.

I did all the tips that Ashly taught me and with the little experience I had with makeup I did a good job I think, now the hair I did let it go naturally left it curly and wild, now the dress that Lily bought it was something else it was red fire red and so beautiful and thanks God it fits me wow I put it on and I looked at myself in the mirror I was someone else.

"Well honey you deserve it "I said to myself its almost 8 o clock my taxi should be here any minute now. I put my shoes on the one I was given by Lisa they were beautiful black velvet ones and sat for a minute waiting for my taxi which wasn't late I ride my taxi I gave him directions to where I was going and we drove. We were just about to park my phone rang.

"what Damion I hope his room doesn't have cam" I said with a shaky voice

" can you please stop the car and wait a minute" I said to the driver whom just nodded in agreement.


"I am here" he said

"Ok" with a question tone I said.

"My house now immediately" he said with strange annoyed tone.

"But sir I can't I am ...hello ...hello" I think he hanged the phone on me what I am supposed to do now.

"Can you please take me to this address"

"Yes mam"


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