CHAPTER six Damien's Rassel POV

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It's been a week since we decided to let Mr. John go and take over the publishing company because for months now we are demanding him to downsize his staff but his answer is always the same which was giving them second chance.

Since the last time, we spook he agreed to resign since he didn't have the heart to let go any of his employees. The last thing he requested of me was to keep his PA Mrs. Cruz and he promised that I won't regret, as his last request I agreed upon that then flew from New York to Seattle the same night.

First thing in the morning I started to interview the employees there one by one trying to get a good grasp of what I am I am dealing with and where to start the process.

The thing was I was curious to meet this Mrs. Cruz and so I met her as the rest of the staff, she seemed nerves and I wondered how this nerves thing managed to be Mr. John PA and do so much according to her file, she couldn't handle an interview with her new boss mind you meetings and working with.

Right there and then I decided she is useless and Mr. John kept here of his kind heart only and just to be fair and to keep my word to him I 'll keep her for a week.

The day was long and I was exhausted and before everyone heads home I send my assistant Helen to fetch Mrs. Cruz. "I went to the washroom to freshen up when I entered the office I saw her sitting in the chair holding her temples in her fingers. "Are you tired Mrs. Cruz?" and I felt she jumped "no sir am fine "she answered "good because you are going to be my PA and organize my meetings with employees for a week and that will be your test I don't like mistakes and don't be late "I said and I was busy sending E-mails

"Sure sir I am all yours," she said and I looked up and saw the regret she has the second she said that which made me smile a little bit "not yet Mrs. Cruz but soon," I said in humor.

She stood up fast and before she is out of the door "Mrs. Cruz I want you to be here tomorrow at nine sharp and I need my coffee by that time" I said "but sir tomorrow is the weekend?" she said with low hesitate tone "what is your point?" I said with a kinda annoyed tone "nothing nine sharp "she said and flew out of the office.

It was a long day between my meeting and phone calls from the main office in New York, I was exhausted .looked at the time and it was almost eleven o'clock PM ." fuck... I am so tired I can die right now"

So I head to the office bedroom and I throw myself on the small bed."beeeeeeeep beeeeeep" lifted my head to check my phone its ten minutes to seven ." ahhhhhhhhh ok let's do this" I stood up and went to take a shower it was so refreshing when I heard noise in my office " w t f is going on?" I raped the towel on my waist and hurried out to pump into "oh are you ok?" I said feeling sorry for the girl it seemed like the coffee was steaming hot. Mrs. Cruz "I think I burned myself" she said with so much pain in her voice, I sat her down on the black sofa that was in the office and hurried to get the first Aid kit .when I got back she was moaning in pain already ,looking at her trying so hard not to cry.

So I went and sat on my knees between her small kinda chubby legs and tried to unbutton her shirt when she suddenly jumped and pulled her shirt away, "what are you doing" she shouted, "how would you suggest I put the cream on you?" I said in a sarcastic way.

"thank you I ll do it myself," she said with eyes full of tears.

"sit down and don't make me say it again" I commanded her cause I felt responsible for that and the image of her crying with these big brown eyes made me for some reason so mad.

She sat and I started to unbutton her shirt with her making these sounds that drove me insane. Finally, I got her out of the shirt and she was a vision I am wont lie her breast were full and soft and the redness that was caused by the coffee only added to the beauty of them I was to my own surprise aroused. She was crying every time I touched her burn and moaning and I felt like I wanted to take her right there and then. I finished applying the cream but I couldn't help but keep staring at her full beautiful body I felt paralyzed.

"aare you done?" she asked trying so hard to grasp for air "hmm... Yes, we are done" clearing m throat.

"thank you Mr. Rassel" and she stood up and turn away from me trying to hide her bare chest which made me want her even more, she reached from the back to get her shirt but I couldn't resist anymore I wanted to touch her so bad so I grabbed her wrist and pulled her so hard to my chest her back touching my flamed hot chest which caused her to yelp, then I got close to her ear wanting so bad to kiss her "don't wear that its wet wait here I ll get you something to wear" I whispered to her and dash outta there cause I swear one more second with her there I ll make a mess. 

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