Forgetfulness Misbehaves At Camp

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Forgetfulness: *hitting the kids*

Angela The Camp Counselor: F, stop that!

Forgetfulness: *still hitting the kids*

Angela The Camp Counselor: That's it! You're getting a time out! Go sit by that tree!

Forgetfulness: I'm sorry!

Angela The Camp Counselor: It's too late, F! Go over there, and no talking!

Forgetfulness: *goes to the tree and sits down for time out and starts crying*

Angela The Camp Counselor: Kids, are you okay?

Bryan: Yes.

Ashley: Yes.

Tom: Yes.

Stephanie: Yes.

Angela The Camp Counselor: Okay, that's good. Go play on the swings!

This story was written on Monday, July 27th, 2020.

A/N Forgetfulness got in trouble at camp! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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