Epilogue Part Two

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She looks beautiful. Then again, she always does. Her blonde hair falls in soft waves to her chest, tiny daisies weaving through the braid in her hair. Her face is practically bare of makeup, her dress simple.

She's perfect.

I feel tears well in my eyes as she walks down the aisle with Grady on her arm. Bella Dizznee, Dex and Biana's 4 year old adopted daughter, runs before them, sprinkling pink flowers over the carpet. When she's done she joins the bridesmaids, clinging to her Mother's skirt.
Dex and Biana had been married the year before, and adopted before even trying for a child of their own. I think.

Foster's gorgeous brown eyes catch mine. I love her eyes. I love every part of her. But have you ever seen them in the setting sun? The gold flakes in her irises bloom in the light, making her eyes a golden honey color. She's stunning.

Grady releases her arm, and goes to sit with Edaline, who smiles softly at him. Sophie still holds her bouquet in one hand, and uses the other to take mine.

"Why the tears?" she asks. I sniffle and turn red.

"Because you're too good to be true, Foster."

"Pretty soon you can't call me that anymore."

"I know."

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of Sophie Elizabeth Foster-Ruwen and Keefe Sencen."

"No middle name?" I shush her, and let the pastor speak the wedding words over us. After we recite our vows to each other, the pastor asks if there are any objections. I hold my breath.

"I have something to say." Grady stands from his seat, and I feel my heart drop to my stomach. This is it. I'm not going to be allowed to marry the girl of my dreams. I brace myself for the worst, but all Grady does is smile at me, and say, "Welcome to the family, son."

Tears come back to my eyes, and they're in Grady's as well. In fact, there's not a dry eye in the room.

"Well is that's all there is to say, you may kiss the bride." Sophie drops her flowed to the floor, and takes my face in her hands, pulling me to her.

My brain flashes to our first ever kiss in the tent. To our second first kiss in the alley. To all the ones that we've shared since then.

It was Fate that brought us together, and Love that kept us that way.

A/N: and that's the story!! I hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I did writing.

Love you all so much, and expect a new story soon!!


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