Chapter 17 - "That's A Secret I'll Never Tell."

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"I just had to get that off my chest."

I blink hard, brain reeling, trying to understand what just happened. One minute, I was terrified I'd done something to upset Sophie, and the next she'd kissed me. I look down at her, and our eyes connect.

One of my favorite things about her is her eyes. The golden brown color that sparkles in the sun. Most brown eyes are flat and boring, but hers are always beautiful. In the early morning hours at school, even across the hallway I can see them glimmering. In the afternoon when the sun hits just right, and those tiny accents of green appear. In the dark, when her irises and pupils blend together, but there's always those golden flecks there. Always pulling me in.
They're like a tractor beam, and I'd be willing to get caught forever.

"I'm sorry, Keefe," she says. Those words shock me.

"For what?"

"Did I overstep? I mean, I kissed you. We haven't talked since we were like twelve, and I just kissed you barely twenty-four hours after-" I cut her off by kissing her again. 

She doesn't kiss me back immediately, probably surprised. But then she does.
And it's glorious.

She stands on her toes, snaking her arms around my neck, letting them hang loose. One of my hands is pressed against her face, my fingers tangled in her hair, and my other hand is on her waist. As I push my hand deeper into her hair, she locks her fingers behind my neck, pulling us closer. My hand around her waist wraps around her, pulling us even closer.

She's practically standing on my feet now, but I don't care. I didn't realize how badly I wanted this until I had it. God, I was so stupid. I can't believe it was just four years ago that I told her we shouldn't be friends.

And now we're kissing against the wall of a donut shop with our friends inside who have no idea this is happening.

Neither of us want to break apart, but eventually she does. She doesn't break the distance, though, tilting her forehead against mine. Her hands unclasp behind my neck, and they trail their way down my shirt. Goosebumps pop up on my arm as she slides her arms around my waist. I open my eyes to see that there's a smile on her lips. It's probably not the right time to make a joke, but I can't help myself.

"If I'd known you were that good a kisser, I would've stayed friends with you." She recoils slightly at the statement. "Too soon?"

"Just a bit." Her eyes meet mine, and it makes me want to kiss her again. She seems to have the same thought, because her hands tighten around my waist. She hesitates for a second, before kissing me quick once more. "Come on. We should probably go inside." She turns and walks out of the alley. I follow behind her, running a hand through my hair.

I just kissed Sophie Foster. Wow. 

When we go back into the donut shop, everyone stares at us expectantly. Specifically Biana.

"What happened?" she asks in a sing-song voice.

"Nothing," Sophie and I say at the same time, a little to quickly. Biana just smirks, while Marella makes kissing noises. Linh giggles.

"Shut up." Sophie says, covering her friends mouth with her hand. A second later Sophie whips her hand away. "EW!" Marella grins.

"Did you just lick her?" Linh asks. Marella shrugs.

"That's a secret I'll never tell."

"You're disgusting," Dex announces. Marella just shrugs, and examines her nails. I can't help but roll my eyes a little.

"So what really happened?" Fitz asks. Jeez these Vacker's are persistent.

"I already said nothing," Sophie says. As I sit down next to Fitz he whispers in my ear,

"So you kissed her, right?"


A/N: Haha my authors notes are now at the end of the chapter. also like um i hate this but here have a chapter anywayssssss.
guys idk what im doing with this story asxlkjeiwlxk
but its not over
just maybe short filler chapters till i come up with some substance
okie bye

love you guys x

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