Chapter 8 - "Can We Talk?"

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I can't even begin to process the conversation. It went from me being excited and hopeful to crushed. I won't even pretend like I could've processed Sophie's mind, but I'm imagining it went from fearful and annoyed to angry and annoyed.

She told me to die. Not outright, of course, but the meaning was loud and clear:

"Soulmates only change when people die!" I practically yell at her. I just want her to see clearly, hear my apology, but she won't see past the "soulmates can change" thing. Her eyes harden, and she says something I never thought I'd hear her say, much less to me.

"Then maybe you should do that."

"Dude, what's wrong?" Dex asks. I glance up at him.


"Why are you like this. Sophie ran one way, you ran another. What happened?"

"She told me to die." This gets everyone's attention.

"She did what?!" Marella snaps. Fitz's jaw tightens, and he says something that if his parents heard, he'd be in huge trouble.

"Fitz!" Biana yells, smacking her brother. "I get that was messed up, but you don't need to cuss out my best friend."

"Can we hear the full story?" Linh asks, trying to control the room.

"Yeah, man. What really happened?" Dex asks.

"I-um. We found out we're soulmates, and I got excited. Hopeful even. I thought that maybe she would be okay with going back to being friends. That we could slowly transition to what I wanted in the end-"

"To date her," Marella interrupts.

"Well yes, but no. To just be with her forever. Anyways, she had other ideas. She kept saying: soulmates could change. I kept telling her the truth: soulmates only change when people die. It went back and forth with those words," I realize I'm about to cry, "And then we both snapped. I yelled at her, saying that soulmates only can change when people die. And her entire emotions flipped. Once second she was scared and upset. Almost on the verge of tears," Speaking of tears, those start to roll down my cheeks, "And then when I yelled, she got stone cold. Expressionless. Emotionless. And she said, she said,  'Then maybe you should do that.'"

Everyone sits in silence, processing the words. I scrub the tears off my face, not giving in to my emotions.

"I'm going to talk to her," Dex decides, standing up. I grab his wrist.


"Not to confront her." He pulls out of my grip. "I'm just gonna ask her side."

"Pretend like I didn't talk to you. Please."

"I will, don't worry." Dex leaves, and the second he disappears from sight, Fitz stand up.

"I'm going too," Fitz grumbles, also starting to head up the stairs. Biana grabs him.

"Let Dex go alone, first. Okay?"


There's an odd silence, until Fitz stands up. "I can't sit here anymore. I'm going."

"I'm coming with you. Mostly cause I don't trust you." Biana stands up too.

"Pretend you didn't talk to me!" I call after them, but I doubt it'll matter. After they leave, its just me, Marella, and Linh. 

"Wow, some party here," Marella comments, pulling her phone out of her pocket. Linh barely glances up from where she's sitting on her phone, texting someone eagerly. I hope for Fitz's sake its not a boy. Probably just her brother.

I sink into the couch cushions, and zone out, daydreaming about how I'd have liked the conversation with Sophie to go.
"Foster, do you know what this means?"  The fearful look on Sophie's face faded when her soulmate words became a solid black on her arm.

"That you were wrong?" she quirked an eyebrow at Keefe.

"For what?" he asked innocently. Sophie rolled her eyes as Keefe came closer. She felt a little intimidated at first. It had been a long time since they were so close.

"For being a jerk." 

"I'm sorry about that. Really. I was young and dumb. I didn't want to face my feelings, and then risk the chance of them being for nothing. Can we forget that ever happened?" He involuntarily reached for her hand, and was relieved when she took it.

"Maybe. We'll have to see." She stood on her toes, and barely brushed his cheek with a kiss.

"I'll take that as a yes."

He didn't get a vocal response, but Sophie smirked at him before walking away. He turned to watch her go, in awe of this girl that he would get to spend the rest of his life with.
"Keefe?" Sophie asks. I whip my head towards the stairs where she's standing sheepishly. Dex, Biana, and Fitz are all standing behind her. I feel something weird inside of me as she talks.

"Yeah?" I ask as they come into the room. Fitz looks even more pissed than before, if that's even possible, while Biana seems to be a little bit in a lighter mood. Dex says nothing as he flops down on the couch next to me. Sophie stays where she is, and I start to feel a little nervous.

"Can we talk?"

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