Chapter 12 - Sophie Foster Just Called Me Cute

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A/N: This chapter is written super broken in the beginning. It's also really cheesy, but this a fanfiction, and THERE WILL BE CHEESE. Okay bye. MUAH!

I can't help myself. My eyes go to the bold black words on her arm. My words. 

We're Soulmates.
And that's never going to change.

I want this to be over. To stop pretending that I'm fine with being her friend. I want to be her boyfriend.

But she doesn't want me to call her mine.

It's stupid, I know, but I can't help it. Call me a hormonal teenage boy(which in my defense I kinda am)but I just want us to skip the friends part.

I want to be able to wipe her tears when she's sad, even when all she's crying about is a fictional character dying.

To hold her hand during movies, not just when she needs comforting.

To not have this god awful tension building that neither one of us are willing to break.

Because if we break this wall, who knows what follows.

I do.

The unknown.
The fear.
The new.
The hope.

But there's also the part inside of her that's scarred. I'll admit, I was stupid. But I was also a middle school boy who was crushing so hard and didn't want to get hurt.

But here I am now, inches from her.

And I can't do anything about it.

No one seems to notice our moment, and I turn back to the movie.

But I can't get Sophie out of my head.

I find myself glancing over at her every so often. I start to notice that she has a habit of biting her bottom lip when she's nervous. It's cute. 

The movie finally ends, and Marella stands.

"Attention all guests in a house that is not my own, I can say we have reached appropriate truth or dare time!" 

"Do we have to? There's seven other movies we could watch!" Sophie tries. 

"Well, no. Come on, Soph. You can't have a real sleepover without playing truth or dare!" Biana whines. She leans real close to Sophie, and bats her eyes.

"Yeah, Sophie. Scared?" I'm proud of myself for remembering how much she hates 'Foster'.

"You say that now, Keefe," Fitz says. His eyes go wide and he points behind me. I turn around to see Linh holding the container of face mask in her hands. 

"Oh no," Dex and I say at the same time.

"Oh yes." Marella grins, and grabs the brushes. "Facemasks are always paired with truth or dare! At least, in my book."

"Ughhhh, fine!" I whine, "Give me the brush." Linh shakes her head. 

"Nope, I don't trust you. Let's have Sophie do it!"

"Me?" Sophie's eyes go wide, and so do mine. "O-okay. But you have to do Dex, Bi."

"Fine. Fitz, do you want Linh or Marella?"

"I don't care." He shrugs.

"I'm not touching that face," Marella makes a face, and grabs her own brush. 

"Guess that leaves me." Linh shrugs.

"How did you guys get enough brushes?" I ask as we all move the the floor. 

"I was gonna put this on you guys whether you participated or not. Now, Dex, hold still!" 

The room goes quiet as the girls start painting on our faces.

"Hold still, I don't want to get it in your eyebrows," Sophie says, dipping the brush into the mask.

"Or my amazing hair?" I raise an eyebrow, and Sophie rolls her eyes. I can tell she's fighting back a giggle.

"Yes, that too. Now hold still." She grabs my chin lightly, and tilts it down. The face mask is cold on my skin, and I hate to admit that I'm kind of enjoying it. She finishes the lower part of my face, and then starts on my forehead. 

"We're gonna have to do something about this hair. There's just too much of it."

"What do you mean by that? You're not gonna cut it all of, are you?" I give her puppy dog eyes as I grab my hair protectively.

"No, I'm just gonna do this." She takes a hair tie off her wrist, and puts my hair in a pony tail. I shake my head at her, but a smile paints my face. She finishes putting the mask on and I reach to touch it. She grabs my hand, stopping me. "Don't do that. It's still wet."

"But my nose itches!" I whine. She drops our hands to the floor.

"Well too bad, you big baby." I pout, but then glance down at the brush in her other hand. 

"Can I do yours?" I ask, trying to take the brush from her hand.

"Absolutely not."

"Come on, please?"

"Fine." She rolls her eyes and hands the brush over. I smile, and grab the container. 

It's kind of like painting the background of a canvas. Except the canvas moves occasionally, and she giggles at something you don't know about. After I finish putting the mask on, I drop the brush, and look at what I did. I did a pretty good job, but Sophie's still laughing.

"What are you laughing about?" 

"You make this face when you're concentrating really hard. It's cute."

"Two things. One, what face? And two, did you just call me cute?" I try to raise my eyebrows at her, but the mask is starting to harden.

"Like this," She furrows her eyebrows together, which does make me laugh, "And maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Who knows?" She laughs again, and I can't help but smirk, even though it's hard with the mask on.

Sophie Foster just called me cute.

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