Chapter 19 - Part One

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Foster and I walk down to the beach to see that it's not that crowded, even though it's a nice Saturday. I'm so tempted to grab her hand, but for some reason I can't make myself do it. It's not like that would be invasive. She kissed me against a wall, for crying out loud.

But there's some kind of intimacy behind that simple gesture that I don't want to push for. I'm not even sure what we are.

Still, she seems content, and I am to. She kicks her shoes off, holding them in her hand as she runs over the sand. I slip off mine as well, and run after her. Sophie drops her shoes and phone down on the sand before she sprints straight into the ocean, the water splashing up to her shins.

"Come on, Keefe!" She calls, spinning in a circle, "The water's not even that cold!" I roll my eyes at her before dropping my shoes and phone next to hers. I run in after her, wincing as the icy water hits my feet.

"You lied! It's freezing!" She giggles, and runs further in. The waves roll over her knees, getting close to her shorts.

"You hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Buck, buck, buck, BU-CALK!" she yells, flapping her arms like chicken wings.

"Are you calling me, Keefe Sencen, a chicken?" I ask, placing a hand over my heart.

"I call it as it is."

"You little-" I run after her, and grab her by the waist. Sophie shrieks as I spin her around, the water hitting my shorts. I don't care though. I'm enjoying every moment with her. I'll dry.

I drop her back down in the water just as a wave comes, so her entire lower half gets soaked.

"Keefe Sencen!" She shouts, looking down at herself. "I'm soaked!"

"Not entirely." I shrug. Sophie glares at me, before smacking water in my direction. I close my eyes, thankfully, but salt water still gets in my mouth. I spit it out before splashing water back at Sophie.

A huge wave comes up, and Sophie and I both duck under. We come up soaking wet, but there's a huge smile on her face.

We spend about an hour in the water before Sophie finally decides we should head home. Well, that she should head home. As we stomp out of the water, cold because the wind started to pick up, I feel a little awkward.

"Should I call someone to take me home?" I ask on the way back to Sophie's house. I decided at the very least I'm going to walk her to the door.

That's the polite thing to do. And we're soulmates. Even if we weren't, we're friends. I think.
I don't even know at this point.

"Or you could hang at my place for a little? I don't think Grady will strangle you too hard." I start to laugh, but she doesn't.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Keefe, I'm just kidding! But maybe apologize before coming in too far to the house." Sophie giggles slightly at the appalled look on my face.

"Should I be concerned?"

"Only a little. Last one to my house is a rotten egg!" she runs away, and I have no choice but to follow.

A/N: hey guys! this chapter is really really short, but that's because the next chapter is the same scene in Sophie's POV. I didn't want to make it too long, so it wouldn't be too boring a read.

but this is a double update, so technically you guys are getting about the same amount of words as a single update!

sorry it's been so long. i'm really trying, i promise.

love you guys x

Quick Quick A/N: this chapter is really short, but that's because it's a double update! woo hoo! two chapters in one day

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