Chapter 23

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An aching spark of pain shot through her as Zhǎn Chì's body slammed against the wall of her lair. Divertia had her scepter raised above her head as she lunged at her from the other side of the room. Wincing from her injuries of their clash, Zhǎn Chì lifted her staff in an attempt to block this incoming attack.

Divertia's scepter came into hard contact with her staff, knocking it out of her hand with a powerful and solid impact. The staff flew across the room, landing out of Zhǎn Chì's reach with a high pitched clatter.

Zhǎn Chì's eyes sprang around the unlighted, sunless room. Where was Misterbug? And Lady Noire?


"Tikki, spots off."

A blinding illumination of pink hues flickered above the blades of pouring rain, cutting through the closed blinds of nearby houses. A number of citizens peeked their heads out of their windows in curiosity. Plagg and Tikki floated by Adrien's side, their mouths hanging open with wide eyes. The little cat's eyes, which were once green, now had light red speckles covering them from the thought of losing his holder.

"Adrien, what are you doing?" Tikki asked frantically, "Don't detransform out in the open like that! At least hide in an alleyway first! Someone could have一"

"Do you think I care?" Adrien muttered monotonously.

Clenching Marinette's ring between his fingers, Adrien tucked his hands in his jean pockets. The distressed teenager dragged his feet across the wet and rough concrete, emitting the unpleasant sound of scratches and scrapes from the bottom of his shoes. Zhǎn Chì's demand for a helping hand still lingered in his thoughts, but he ignored it. He had other matters to deal with.

The rain still continued to plunge heavily upon the city, weighing down on his white shirt and jeans. The cold fabric stuck to his body like an additional layer of skin. The two kwamis glanced worriedly at each other. Tikki gave Plagg a quick, comforting pat on his little back. Wiping his tiny tears away, Plagg and Tikki flew into Adrien's jacket as the boy approached a large building.

The drenched teenager walked into the waiting room of a nearby hospital, which Alya and Nino had already beaten him to. They both sat with their heads hanging low, their bodies shivering and their glasses cloudy. Adrien stepped up to them, drawing their eyes to his direction. With a soft whimper, Alya shook her head as if trying to tell him something. And he knew exactly what she meant by that gesture.

Adrien's heart disintegrated into his stomach. His body palpitated uncontrollably, shivering as if he were standing in the middle of an arctic tundra. His teeth grinded against each other, tightening his jaw while his painfully aching lips trembled and tugged downwards at the edges. A low sob came from his lips as a flood of tears broke free from their cages.

"I'm sorry," Adrien murmured tearfully, "I couldn't... I didn't mean to..."

Alya and Nino looked at each other, wiping their eyes on the back of their hands. They turned their heads back to Adrien, who now used one hand to wipe his tears. His other hand remained tucked inside his pocket. It was no use, though, because his tears came faster than he could wipe them away.

Alya rose from her seat, stopping directly in front of the mourning Adrien. Pressing her lips together, the ombre-haired girl threw her arms underneath his shoulders, not caring about his drenched clothing absorbing into her own clothes. Her unexpected embrace only caused his tears to flow faster as he closed his arms around her. He placed his chin on top of her head, a burdening guilt tearing him apart. He didn't deserve her comforting hold.

If only she knew that he was responsible for the death of her best friend.


Adrien opened the door leading to the Agreste boutique. A bell chimed from the doorway, catching the attention of Emilie and Gabriel. Excitement lit up their faces, about to greet whoever walked in. However, their smiles quickly faltered when they realized their son had walked through that doorway一drenched to the bone with rainwater.

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