Chapter 11

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A highly fatigued Marinette stared at her reflection in the mirror. She ran a black comb through her frizzy, annoyingly long hair. Strands of dark hair glided smoothly through the thin bristles as her hand slowly guided the comb down a section of hair. Her heavy eyelids slowly dropped down against her will, filling her vision with pitch darkness.

The room shifted all around her as her arm fell limp to the side. Her fingers loosened around the comb, allowing it to fall to the bathroom floor with a soft clatter. Next, Marinette's neck grew weak, causing her head to tilt downwards.

A light, circular object came into contact with the side of her head. At this disturbance, Marinette's eyes blinked back open. She glanced down at the floor, where an empty box of camembert laid beside her comb.

"Wake up, I'm hungry," Plagg demanded.

Marinette sighed and knelt down to pick up her comb, "You can feed yourself, can't you?"

"You're out of camembert, dumbass," Plagg snapped, "Go order some more, would you?"

Marinette rolled her eyes the second she rose back up. The more time she spent with this kwami, the more she wondered how she got paired up with him in the first place. If the little black cat wasn't filling himself up with cheese, he was rummaging through her belongings and making a mess in her room.

"I swear one day I'm gonna ask Misterbug to trade kwamis," Marinette mumbled.

Marinette switched on her sink and ran her comb through the thin rod of water before resuming the tiring work on her stubborn hair. She gritted her teeth as the comb got trapped between a tight knot.

"Speaking of Misterbug," Plagg began, "You're still upset from last night, aren't you?"

"It doesn't matter."

Marinette grunted and shoved the comb downwards, ripping off a few thin strands of hair from her scalp. She lifted the comb up in front of her face, where a whole curtain of blue hair hung low. Using her fingers, she began picking at the strands that have attached themselves to the bristles, pulling them off with a soft snap.

"I can see it on your face, Marinette," Plagg crossed his tiny arms, "Don't worry about him, there are plenty of fish in the sea."

"It's not that," Marinette ran her comb down another section of her hair, "It's just... I had a weird dream last night."

"Is it as weird as Misterbug falling in love with you?"

Marinette ignored her kwami's statement. She continued working on her hair while she proceeded to explain the strange dream from last night.

"I saw some strange boy. He was wearing a suit that was similar to the one I wear as Lady Noire," Marinette began, "Except his suit was white and his eyes were blue. Not only that, but he called me things like 'My Lady' or 'Ladybug' and Paris was flooded."

Plagg raised an eyebrow, "Okay, yeah. I was right. That's just as weird as Misterbug falling in love with you."

Marinette rolled her eyes, "Anyways, I swear I've seen that boy before. I just can't remember where."

"Looks to me like you can't remember what time school starts either," Plagg said.

Marinette gasped at the realization that she had already spent a majority of the time combing her hair. She rapidly ran the comb downwards all around her head, ignoring all the hair that fell by her feet. With barely any time to find a proper outfit, Marinette slipped into a pair of jeans and a red hoodie. She finished her hair off by tying it into a ponytail.

The bluenette charged down the stairs of her mansion with her backpack over her shoulders. Nathalie had been waiting at the bottom of the staircase, along with her mother. Sabine's eyebrows shot upwards the second she saw her daughter's clothing choice.

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