Chapter 5

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Art here belongs to papa.bear.exe on instagram, please do not repost. More art for this story can be found on her instagram

Marinette's eyes sprang open. She sat up on her bed, taking in the sight of large glass windows on the other side of the room. All around the ginormous bedroom were arcade games, bookshelves, trophies, and other valuables. The bluenette rubbed her throbbing head at the familiar yet also unfamiliar sight.

"Oh good, you're finally awake," A voice said from her side, "You slept through your alarm."

Marinette rotated her head to look at the source of this voice. Floating right next to her was a little black cat kwami with bright green eyes. The sight of him only increased the throbbing sensation against her skull.

"Plagg, what's going on?" Marinette asked.

Plagg blinked, "What do you mean 'what's going on'? You're gonna be late for your first day at school."

"No, I mean..."

Marinette's lips struggled to find the correct words to say. A strange feeling flooded through her, like she wasn't supposed to be here. Like something was awfully wrong. Marinette reached for her phone on the bedside table and opened up her front facing camera.

The girl on the inside of the screen had dark blue hair that extended all the way down to her thighs. The color seemed normal to her, but she never remembered having hair that long. But out of everything she found strange at that moment, the strangest one of all has to be her eye color.

Her viridescent irises radiated the exact color of those shiny, green emeralds that are plastered on various accessories at the jewelry store. Something about that color on her face just... Didn't sit right.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door swung open. Plagg quickly flew under the pillow before this visitor could see him. Standing at the doorway was a woman with dark hair and a red streak dyed into a couple strands. Her hairstyle was finished off with a tight bun.

"Marinette, your mother will be very disappointed in you if you show up late to school," Nathalie said, "Hurry up and get dressed."

At the sound of those words, Marinette's wandering thoughts were replaced by panicked thoughts. She tossed her phone back onto the table and jumped out of bed.

"Tell her I'm getting ready," Marinette said.

With a nod, Nathalie shut the door, leaving Marinette alone with a million questions roaming around in her head.


"What the actual fuck is happening?!"

Adrien stood with his palms pressed flat against the edges of his sink, staring at the blue-eyed boy in the mirror. He moved a section of his shoulder-length blond hair out of the way, revealing a circular silver earring that had been pierced through his lobule.

"Calm down, Adrien!" Tikki exclaimed.

"Something's not right," Adrien muttered, "God, what is it though? I can't put my finger on it."

"Just hurry up and get dressed," Tikki said, "You only have ten minutes before class starts."

With a sigh, Adrien reached for a hair tie in the corner of the counter and grasped onto a small strand of his hair. His hair was much longer and spikier than he remembered it being. Not to mention the fact that his eye color felt... Unusual.

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