Grown Up

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~Nuka's POV~
After a few hours of worthless talking, Mother finally found out how Father and I were alive. Turns out, some other hyenas came and saved Father from the other hyenas. He was in a coma for a while, and woke up in a hyena den. I explained that Father came and got me out of the logs before I could actually die. He found out about me from spying on Simba, overhearing about the ambush. "Kovu has betrayed us Scar" Mother said, sitting down looking ashamed. "Yes Nuka has told me" Father replied, sitting down looking ashamed as well. "This means that Nuka will be king, congrats son" Father said, patting my head. Finally! Mother and Father both love me again! Now that I am the chosen one, I can rule the pridelands my way! Father said I needed some training first if I was gonna fight Kovu, so we will get on that in the morning. I can't wait to show that little termite who's the real king!

~Kovu's POV~

I'm a complete fool. I let them hurt Simba, I killed my brother, and now I have a scar on my face. Im not one of them. By them I mean the pridelanders. I wish I could be one of them, but sadly Simba will not allow it. Not to mention I can never see Kiara matter how much I wanted to. I found myself in a grassy land, walking around. Next thing I know i'm bumping into a lioness! Turns out it was Kiara! I was so happy to see her, we hugged and everything

 Next thing I know i'm bumping into a lioness! Turns out it was Kiara! I was so happy to see her, we hugged and everything

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"Lets run away together and start a pride all on our own" I told her, going in a playful pose. "We can't Kovu, we have to go back" she replied, looking at me. "Why?" I asked, looking at her in a confused way. "We can't just leave them Kovu, they will fight" She replied, ears drooping. I thought for a minute. I turned around and smiled at Kiara. "Lets go" I said, and we ran back to the pridelands.

~Nuka's POV~

I think I'm ready to fight Kovu, after plenty of long training days and a fully grown mane, I think im ready.

I think I'm ready to fight Kovu, after plenty of long training days and a fully grown mane, I think im ready

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Its time for me, the real king and Scars real chosen one, to take the throne. It may take a lil while to get to the PrideLands, but we will make it, and this time I will be in charge. I may be a little hungry, but im sure there will be plenty of food at or near the pridelands. Did I mention I still have termites on my body? Yeah we are getting rid of those when we get to our destination. As we are going there, I stop and rest on a rock for a while. Its hot and im getting hungrier and hungrier by the minute. At this point, I'll eat some bugs if I have to. We walk a few miles and we are finally there. Now, it is time for me to rule the kingdom rightfully, and guess who I see standing proudly on pride rock? You guessed it, the little termite himself, all grown up. I can see now this fight will be hard and possibly legendary, but I know I can win. All thanks to father and mother.

Heyyy guys sorry this one took so long I was trying to make another book but from now on I will continue with this one until it is finished! Promise! Also thanks for 3.8k reads! Glad you all like this story and just know more stories about Nuka will be coming soon after this book!

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