A Start

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Hope's POV

I'm still a bit shaken up from being a full tri-brid, so Dr. Saltzman gave me a week off of classes. So what do I do with the time off, I stay in my room watching 'Cut Throw Kitchen'. But the only thing I can focus on was the beating hearts of the people in the school, then the white in my eyes changes to black and the blue to yellow. My double set of fangs come out of my gums, and the pulsing veins under my eyes. Then I realize I feel the need to feed, so I retract my fangs and my eyes change back to normal, the veins go away.

 I head to the kitchen as fast as I can, but I accidentally bump into Josie Saltzman. Her books fall, and I pick them up off the floor. Just then my need for blood is gone. "I'm so sorry Josie, I didn't mean to" I say. "It's okay Hope, just be careful. Why are you in such a rush?" Josie says to me with a cute but curious look on her face, and it makes me so nervous. "I-I uh have to go to your dads office." she looks at me like she knows I'm lying. "Hope I know your lying, so tell me the truth right now." she say angrily. "Okay, but not here."

I take Josie up to my room and shut the door. "Josie I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone, not even Lizzie." she looks at me with such a worried look on her face. "I promise, but Hope your scaring me." I look at her and say "I'm a full tri-brid." "Oh my god. Hope, so your like an original now?" "Yes, well an original tri-brid." my eyes start to change again and my fangs pop out and the pulsing veins under my eyes appear again, and Josie looks deeply into my eyes. "Your not scared?" I ask and she takes a step closer. "No Hope."

I hear her heart beat. I turn around and close my eyes. "Hope turn around." she says sternly so I comply, I turn around to see Josie staring at me. "Are you hungry, is that why you were rushing in the hall?" she asks and I sigh, I can feel the hunger again. "Yeah, I'm very hungry." as I say that she holds her wrist up to me and smiles. "Josie I'm not feeding from you." I push her wrist down, but she puts it back up. "Hope your hungry, and I know your not going to hurt me." I quickly reply and say "You don't know that." she starts to pout and I'm done. "Fine, but only for a minute okay?"

I say and she nods, and with that I hold her wrist to my mouth but before biting her I kiss her wrist a few times. Then I bite her wrist, she winches in pain I drink some of her blood then take my mouth off of her wrist. Oh my god, her blood is like heaven. She laughs, did I just say that out loud? "Yes, yes you did." Josie says, then I look at her wrist. "Do you want my blood to heal the bite?"

I ask her and she nods, and grab a glass and bite my wrist and blood start pouring out into the glass. My wrist heals and I hand Josie the glass, and she drinks some and the bite on her wrist heals. "Thanks Hope." "No thank you Josie, your such a selfless person and I like being around you it makes me feel good." I say and Josie smiles which makes me smile. Josie goes to leave, but i quickly say. "Josie, do you maybe wanna hang out later?" I ask "Yeah, well I'll see you later I guess." "Okay." So I think about what we can do and I have the perfect idea.

Josie's POV

I walk out of Hope's room feeling rather cheery since my crush asked me to hang out, and with a smile on my face I head to class. I get to my history class and I sit beside my best friend MG, as soon as I turn my head to look at the vampire I see he is staring at me with a confused face. "You look cheery today." he says "I'm always cheery." I say "Yeah, but not like this." I start to get a bit nervous and he notices it. "Josie I'm your best friend you can tell me anything." "I'll tell you at lunch okay." he nods and we both look at the history books sitting open on our desks.

I was on my way to lunch when I saw a glance of Hope in the corner of my eye so I was going to go over to her, but students started walking through the halls and I saw Hope freaking out she was covering her ears. As quickly as I could I grabbed Hope's arm and lead her outside of the school. I turn around and let go of Hope's arm, I see that her eyes changed. "Hope are you okay?" I ask the tri-brid.

"I am now, thank you." she says and her eyes turn back to that beautiful blue I love. "It's no problem, are you hungry again?" she looks me straight in the eyes "A little, but it's bearable." "If you want me I can get you a blood bag?" I ask. "I-I uh I'm fine" she looks down at her hand playing with her fingers "Hope, what's wrong?" I ask concerned "Nothing, I just wanted to show you something but I-I don't want you to be scared of me." she said nervously.

I grab her chin to lift her head up, and we look each other in the eyes for a few seconds. "Hope I'm not going to be scared, I mean heck you fed from me." I say the last part in a whisper. "Promise?" "I promise Hope." she grabs my hand and leads me into the woods. "Hope where are we going?" I ask "Here." I look at her so confused.

Hope's POV

I see Josie looking at me so confused. "Can you turn around for a minute?" I ask Josie kindly "Yeah sure." Josie turns around so were not facing each other, and I quickly strip out of my clothes and I shift into my wolf. I bark and Josie turns around. "Hope is that you?" Josie asks and I nod, I walk closer to her and sit. "Can I pet you?" I put my head down so she can pet me, which feels amazing when she would scratch behind my ears.

I get up and walk behind Josie and put my head between her legs to get her on my back, but she moves to look at me. "Do you want me to get on your back?" I nod and she gets on my back, she holds tightly on to my neck as I run with her on my back. About 10 minutes later I stop running when we get back to where I left my clothes, she's get off of my back with a huge smile and turns away from me so I can change. after I change I say. "So, did you like the run or?" I ask politely, and she turns around. "Did I like it heck I loved it, now I see why you like to do this so much. it's so freeing." she said and I laughed. "That's true." we start walking back to the school, but right before Josie goes back into the school she turns to me and says. "Thanks for the run and small talk." But before Josie walks back into the school she...

Author~The picture at the top is only there to show the exact eyes veins, and teeth Hope has when she's a vampire. I hope you guys like this Hosie love story let me know if I should continue. Sorry for the cliff hanger.

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