Chapter Eight

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"The girls I've slept with. Well I like to choose them you know. Like, I wouldn't just sleep with every single girl on this planet. I actually have a standard."

I have never felt this uncomfortable in my life.

There are tears daring to spill out of my eyes but, I quickly wipe them away.

I feel two hands on my knees. One belongs to Raya and the other to Troye.

"I don't sleep with virgins, I don't want to break their heart by leaving them. I like the fact that the girls that I do sleep with know that I'm not gonna stay, you know? It's like a little deal between two people."

He pauses for a bit and seems to think a bit,

"I want the girls that I slept with to know this, at least the one's that care about me enough. I want them to know that I them.

Every single one of them. I love them all, I would do anything for them. I'm not in to serious relationships though, I don't like the thought of waking up next to the same person every single day of my life. If I were to do a serious relationship that's how I would do it.

I don't want that .

I don't like them dating other people though.

You see, I get .... Possessive? And I don't appreciate someone taking someone away from me, someone that I love. They're my territory. I love them. It's like when a bear marks it's territory in the woods, that's the way I mark mine. I sleep with them, so they'll never forget."

Tears are streaming down my face.

I hate this.

I'm not going to make a big scene by running out though.

"I'm sorry that I'm selfish, okay? I'm sorry. Someone once said that if you love something, you should let it go. Well I don't agree with that. What if you love something and then you let it go and it can never be loved again? I would rather love something and never let it go, than give it the freedom to go and never be loved. Because I will always love every single girl hat I sleep with. Even if I don't show it. I love them. If I let them go, what if no one loves them? That's why I mark my territory. So no one else will love them but, they will still be loved by ME. Justin?"


"I need you to show this to the last girl I sleep with. I know who she is. I've told all the other girls I've slept with but, they thought it was some bull shit."

"Sure thing man."


he looks down at his feet.

I need to breathe from my mouth, my heart is beating so fast.

I can taste salt in my mouth as my tears slip in to my mouth.

"I have loved you for a very long time. I won't say it was love as first sight because, the rest no such thing.

If you ask me, that is lust.

I'll admit, everything I've done, this whole sleeping with girls because I love them thing, it seems like lust too.

It is , in a way but, I do love you all. I do. I'm not going to kill myself or anything but, I do know that you're going to be the last girl that I sleep with because, after you, I haven't loved  any other girl. So you're the last one. I hope you understand, I'm not lying. It sounds crazy but, I'm not lying. I love you. I love all the girls and I love you. You know what? After the day I sleep with you, I'm going to drive out and get you flowers before you wake up! Yeah ! That's what I'll do."

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