Chapter 9

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After a lot of glares and grumbling, Harry and Ron show me where we'll all be staying. Together. Oh, joy.

"Here it is." Harry grumbled.

Ron opened the door and pointed to an empty bed. He still hasn't said anything to me yet.

"Thanks." I drop my duffel bag and backpack on the bed and look around.

There are three beds in the room, mine farthest from the door. Harry and Ron's bed were on the wall to the right of the door, both with the ends facing towards my bed. There was a small table between their beds, and a dresser between my bed and Ron's. My bed was squished at the end, letting me known that it was an afterthought, added after knowing I would be staying. And from the looks of it, my bed took up any extra space there would be in the small room.

Before I could ask where to put my stuff, Harry and Ron started to walk downstairs. And I figured I should too. Try and get to know the people I was staying with.

But when I reached the last step, Dumbledore approached me.

"We need to speak, Percy. About the real reason I brought you here." He spoke quietly.

"I thought it was because of Voldemort?"

Dumbledore led me to an empty office, closing the door behind us. "I know you're a demigod, Percy."

"What? How?"

"It is a very long story, involving an old student of mine. And not relevant." He paused. "I brought you here, as you know, in hopes you could protect Harry from your grandfather."

"Yeah, about that, how's this all going to work?"

"Well, the plan so far is to have you go to the school and stay close to Harry. Close enough to protect him."

Wow. What was he, allergic to straight answers? "Okay, okay. I get it. I'm here to protect Harry. But how? How do I get him to trust me? How do I stay close to him? How do I watch him?"

"I think you'll figure it out as you go along. But about staying close to him, I'm having you in the same year as him. It may be hard to catch up-"

"Actually, about that, Hecate blessed me. So now I know magic." Is this really what my life had come to?

"Oh. Well then, it just makes your job easier, I guess. And if you're in his year, hopefully you'll be sorted into hishouse." House? What house? "Now, I have to be on way."

And he left. He just left! That's rude.

I dont know if it's possible, but I'm even more confused about this now than before.

Word count: 450

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