Chapter 5

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Woke up in the morning feelin' like Persassy

Got a pen in my back pocket gonna hit this city

Before I leave, brush my teeth and drink a bottle of water

Cuz when I leave to Hogwarts I ain't coming back

Tick Tock on the clock say goodbye to my mom

Annabeth, see you then, when I'm not a wizard

Oh oh oh oh wa oh
Oh oh oh oh wa oh

I'm so sorry for this, but me and JaxxonDiazz1158 were messing around, and I just cant bring myself to delete it. On with the story.



I sat up in bed. At first I wondered if my dream had really happened, but upon further thought, I could remember the things I should've.

It was disorienting, having seven years of knowledge crammed in your head all at once. I didn't like it, but I knew how necessary it was.

Annabeth was still sleeping when I woke up, so I decided to wake her up.

"Hey, Annabeth." I nudged her shoulder. Her eyelids fluttered. "Wake up. I have to leave in a few hours." She still didn't wake up. It was time for drastic measures. "Annabeth! There's a spider in the bed!"

That did it. She lunged up and out of the bed like it was on fire. She glared at me when she saw me smirking.

"Oh, you're so dead..."



Today was the day. The day we would meet Voldemort's grandson. Perseues. And I would be going with Dumbledore to pick him up. He had given me the offer when he got back yesterday. And, after talking with Ron and Hermione, I had agreed to go.

It was my job to make sure he wasn't too sketchy. If I seemed sure he was evil, we would abort mission. Dumbledore hadn't said that outright, but I was sure that was why he was taking me.

When I went downstairs, there was a flurry of activity. There weren't many people satying here, but today, with everyone bustling about it sure seemed like it.

In the house, there was only the Weasley family, Sirius, Hermione, and I. But with the twins constantly apparating everywhere, Mrs. Weasley's constant cooking and cleaning, it seemed like there was always a ton of people in the house. I wonder what it will be like when we add another person.


Today's breakfast was tense. We were all caught up in our thoughts. Whenever someone would try and break the silence, the conversation fizzled out before it could begin. The same thing happened at lunch, too.

So needless to say, I was actually kind of relieved when Dumbledore showed up to get me.

But then I remembered what we were doing. How we were going to pick up the grandson of my parents killer. It was a sobering thought.

I just hoped he had a nose.



I survived. Barely. To say Annabeth was angry about the spider trick was an understatement. It was a miracle I made it to breakfast.

It made me sad thinking about how this was my last breakfast at the apartment. I wouldn't be back until Christmas at the earliest. And even then I would have to leave all over again.

During breakfast we all tried to keep a conversation going, but it was hard. I would miss them all so much.

After breakfast we moved to the living room. I sat on the couch with Annabeth, just holding her. I didn't want to ever let go.

We sat in peace for what felt like forever, but also not long enough.

That was, until a brisk knock sounded on the door.

Word count: 544

Sorry for the short filler chapter. I know how I wanted the two groups to meet, but didn't want it to happen in this chapter, if that makes sense. I promise the next chapter will be longer. Thanks for reading

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