Valentine's Day

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A/N: In which two strangers go on a date.

Because it's Valentine's Day - obviously. Lol. Hehe. I've really been looking forward to writing this one.

Without further ado - Happy Reading! And enjoy the adventure!

Taehyung leaned over the railing, staring impassively at the gleaming waters of the Han River. The wind blew past, rippling the water and ruffling his curly hair. With a huff of irritation, he shook the loose strands out of his eyes.

The moon's reflection bobbed in the water and though Taehyung couldn't find it in him to turn away, the inane murmur of conversation and laughter called out to him from across the water. Against his better judgment, he looked up.

Across the river, a flood of twinkling golden lights greeted him. Basking blissfully under their glow were - what seemed like - hundreds of people milling about. Some passed by food street vendors to grab cups of steaming snacks. Others had their faces turned up to the winking night sky. While some stopped to listen to the man busking by the street corner. A few skittered excitedly around arcade machines - trying to win prizes as keepsakes on this special day. And all of them, though occupied with something different and delightfully unaware of one another, had one thing in common - they walked two at a time, hand-in-hand, at the most leisurely pace Taehyung had ever seen.

On his side of the river, darkness enshrouded him with the exception of the a few common streetlamps. A smattering of people accompanied him - a few lovebirds who had snuck away from the noise and crowd of the opposite bank to find some peace and quiet.

And Taehyung was definitely the only one alone.

Taehyung forced down the small pang of jealousy. He tried not to think too much about it. Or sigh. Or imagine himself as one of them. Or call up one of the members just to see what they were up to. Today was one of their rare days off and they had promised each other it would be a day for them to each do their own thing.

It just so happened to be Valentine's Day too.

Out of habit and without realising it, Taehyung adjusted his mask over his nose. Already a little bit tired of his own musings, he checked his watch.

It was almost midnight.

He closed his eyes and breathed out.

What else was he supposed to do on a Saturday night?

As he kept his eyes shut, blocking out the glow of the moon and the winking of the lights, he heard the chatter of the crowd drown out his thoughts. There were hearty bellows and tinkling laughter, murmured sentiments and delightful squeals. The food vendors' cheerful shouts and the constant jingle of the arcade games mingled in the background. The waves sloshed gently below him and the flickering of the lights sang a quiet melody. The chittering of the bugs and the crush of gravel underfoot set a steady, thrumming rhythm.

And then Taehyung heard it. A song emerging from the chaos.

His eyes flew open.

Well, this wasn't the relaxing night walk I had in mind.

But below the shield of his mask, Taehyung let a warm grin grace his face as he pulled out his phone and plugged in his earbuds. He let them dangle helplessly - detached from his phone so the noise of the outside world could float in soothingly.

He clicked open a fresh note page and began typing whatever words came to mind so furiously that his very existence seemed to vanish from the world as he delved into the music.

That is, until he was knocked right off his feet.


Something collided into his left arm, shoving him backwards and causing him to trip over his own two feet - his weight shifting unsteadily. He stumbled back with an 'oomf,' catching himself in the nick of time with one arm - still clutching his phone - wrapped around the railing. His knees bent awkwardly and his other hand grazed the ground to steady his body.

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