A Romance in Penmanship pt. 2

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"Taehyung-ah. You've got mail."

Taehyung practically bounded out the door and crashed into Yoongi who huffed indignantly. "Jeez. Take it easy. You've gone and fallen half in love with her at the rate you're going."

Taehyung could honestly care less.

He tossed an absentminded, "Thank you!" at his hyung before skipping back inside the house with a sunset-orange envelope.

Their correspondence had been going on for weeks. At first, it was slow and awkward - riddled with apologies, small talk, and long explanations about how "my question might be too forward" or "you don't have to answer this." Their letters were now filled with pages and pages of how their day had gone, who their friends and family were, stories from their childhood, and little hints here and there about how maybe, just maybe, one day they'll do this all over again when they meet.



Taehyung sat on his bed and ripped open the envelope in a hurry. Upon pulling out the letter, he was a bit disappointed to find that it was only a page long.

He skimmed.

She answered all of his questions and replied to his stories from his last letter as she usually did. But she hadn't said much else.

He frowned heavily as his eyes darted across the letter again. 

But then his frown faded when his eyes reached the bottom. They grew impossibly wide.

He blinked.


He blinked again.


Two Days Ago.

Moonbyul breathed in the fresh air and let out a satisfied sigh. This was it. Summer.

As she trotted down the street, she peered into the different stalls selling candy and cold ramen. She took it all in. The sights, the colours, the air, the sounds...the sounds.

As she stepped onto the cobbled street of a cafe, two familiar voices rang faintly in her ear. Her brain screeched to a halt - her leisurely walk forgotten - and Byulyi turned her head mechanically towards to the cafe window. Sure enough, she saw them huddled together over one of the small, mahogany tables.

A grin spread across her face. 

The door chimed as she sauntered into the quaint cafe. "Yah. You two. Come over here and greet your elders."

Two pairs of eyes blinked up from their seats.


Wheein practically crashed into her and Hyejin wasn't far behind. Moonbyul chuckled as she ruffled their hair. "Hey kiddos. What are you two up to? I could hear you giggling from the street."

To her surprise, Wheein turned red and ducked her head in embarrassment. Hyejin dragged her by the arm to their table with glee. "Our Wheeinie has a secret admirer."

Wheein tried to wave away her embarrassment with a snort. "It's not like that - we're...penpals."

"Oh? How mid-century of you," was Byulyi's response. Without looking up from Hyejin's iced coffee, she continued, "We should meet him. Tell him to come to Seoul."

"What? No!"

The two younger girls looked at each other in surprise as their voices chorused in unison.

"...wait. Why are you saying no?" Wheein narrowed her eyes at her best friend.

Hyejin flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Well, for starters. Hoseok-oppa is in Seoul all the time. We don't want him to murder the guy."

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