Criminal Coincidence pt. 2

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Wheein was right. It was all overgrown.

The warehouse she rented was little more than a shed. The peeling ivory wood was half-shroud from the bottom up in clambering green vines and fresh lime-coloured leaves. The image was interspersed with bursts of colour – bluebells and daffodil yellows and deep violets entwined with the green growths.

It painted a pretty picture in the glorious late-morning sunshine.

Taehyung took his first step onto the red-brick pavement leading to the door - thinking to himself that it seemed like the beginning of a fairy tale. The bright yellow sunlight beat against his back as he walked.

When he reached the doorstep, Taehyung suddenly became hyper aware of himself. Running his fingers through his hair self-consciously, he wondered if she preferred men with their hair slicked-back.

Taehyung shook his head and knocked on the door.

A short, "Come in," was heard and Taehyung had no trouble recognising her voice. He opened the door.

The sunshine followed him into the room, spilling onto every surface it could find - including the face of one Jung Wheein.

She looked up as he pushed the door open.

Taehyung felt the earth stop turning.

She was the most beautiful creature he had ever beheld.

No longer obscured by a mask, her long raven hair framed her face and her snow-like skin seemed to glow. Her nose was high and tipped round at the end. Her lips were tinted a dusky rose colour, grazed by drops of sunlight.

She wore a simple black top that revealed creamy shoulders and a billowing yellow skirt to match the sunshine.

In Taehyung's mind, she lit up the world all on her lonesome.

He suddenly had a terrible feeling –

She was definitely going to be a distraction.

"Wheein." He murmured her name like he was testing it on his tongue. It warmed his insides, falling from his lips like a gentle whisper.

He watched her pupils waver.

Then, she ducked her head.

"Hey - uh - I was just about to head out for lunch."

She stood up abruptly. Bending over her desk, she began searching for her wallet like her life depended on it.

Taehyung's eyes darted to table - a laptop screened pictures from the night before. A palette sat splattered in paint - blues and yellows and reds - and a clutter of brushes, bottles, and jars littered her workspace.

Beside the table was a canvas doused in a familiar shade of blue.

"You've already started?"

She nodded. "I figured the sooner the better."

"Do you need lunch?" She asked, clutching her wallet in a vice-grip.

Taehyung shook his head.

A funny feeling settled in his chest. He felt almost betrayed that she was leaving as soon as he arrived.

"I'll see you later then." Her tone was clean and clipped. With that, she slipped out, shutting the door behind her.

Taehyung stared blankly into the emptiness of the sunlit warehouse. He felt as empty as it looked.

Eternally Parallel | WheeTae x TaeIn DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now