A Romance in Penmanship pt. 1

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A/N. In which Wheein is an artist and Taehyung is her not-so-secret admirer.

This piece is meant to explore what their lives would have been like if they had stuck with their original/alternate career paths. An artist for Wheein and a farmer (ish.) for Tae. This piece is ALSO my longest one yet lol. 

They're both about 19-22 here. The age gaps between everyone else still exists. The first exhibit is Hyejin's and the portrait is done by Wheein. The second is one by Jungkook inspired by Solar. The other two are inspired by J-Hope and Jin. I tried to include everyone in this one-shot in some way. 

Also, magnolias represent nobility and purity.

I'm putting V and Suga in the same area. Suga is an aspiring producer and works odd jobs to pay the bills. The shoulder is a reference to his old injury. I imagine they met at school or something and Suga was V's sunbae. They generally have the same relationship they do today, with Yoongi being the tsundere he is and V being the affectionate kiddo. 


Taehyung was inordinately excited. He was practically bouncing up and down his seat on the way to Seoul. This was it. He had been waiting for this day for what felt like his entire life. 

Tae looked down between his hands. Clasped carefully between his fingers was his first ever camera. He was taking the whole day off and spending it in Seoul - indulging in the cityscapes and lights and people he had only ever watched across a TV screen.

The bell rang and Taehyung leapt off the bus. He almost hit an old lady in the side, who he apologised to profusely, but that couldn't wipe the goofy smile off his face or put a damper on his day.

Unlike the dark and gloom of the Seoul sky, Taehyung's eyes shone brightly under his flopping bangs. His face was pulled into his mother's favorite smile and his steps were spellbound to a beat only he could hear.

Below the gloom of the miserly sky, Taehyung wandered across the city - snapping pictures of the people and the food and the buildings. Remnants of rain glinted at him from the tall, glass skyscrapers and the women stepped in shoes that were supported by sticks so thin that Tae was afraid they would snap. He was tempted to take a picture of the street vendor's menu and show his mother the audaciously priced bungeo-ppang that was less than half the price in back home.

Taehyung passed shop after shop, trying not to stare at the glamor of it all. Soon however, his eyes grew tired and he found himself searching for something a little bit different, perhaps even a little more familiar.

He began to feel a chill enter his body and he stopped in the middle of the walkway to look up as the sun began to set. The towering buildings obscured his vision of the glowing orange globe and the stench of city traffic started to burn in his nose.

Taehyung began to wonder if he should head home. As he tossed the idea around in his head, his eyes roamed across the street. From afar, they zoomed in on a small, rundown door. Vines had begun to grow up the doorframe and the bronze knob that was welded in a traditional fashion.

Thoughts of hopping on the bus fled from his mind as Taehyung felt his body become possessed by something instinctual. Before he knew it, his hand had grown a mind of its own and was reaching to smooth over the bronze knob. On the door, a signboard written on in chalk read: Magnolia Art Gallery.

Intrigued, Taehyung turned the knob.


Stepping in had Taehyung feeling like he'd entered a whole new world.

The room as dimly lit by a large desk and behind it sat a man who looked about his age. His sun-kissed face was indented by dimples as he smiled - absorbed in the content playing off his phone screen. His hair was a little bit long, almost as if he were thinking of growing out a mullet. 

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