Hot Tea on a Windy Day

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A/N: In which the same scene plays twice - with different results.

Set in late December of 2019. Not related to 'In Time.' I picked Seoul National University because it has a reputable performing arts program (which they would all be in in this story) and because it's MASSIVE.


Take 1

Wheein leaned her weight against the counter. "Do you have any chocolate cakes?" She made sure to lower the register of her voice - pinching her mask by the wire and pulling it further up her face.

The barista behind the counter nodded, gesturing politely to the colourful assortment of cakes in the display case. 

Wheein smiled behind her mask, hoping that the crinkle of her eyes was enough to convey her thanks. 

Moving out of the line, she walked a few steps over to the display glass - feeling oddly relaxed by the muted blue hues and sunset orange glow of the cafe lights. She peered through the glass, her eyes straining to stay as wide as possible. 

She would have pressed her face against the glass if not for the heavy, winter coat she donned.

She swished her soft bangs out of her face and huffed a little as she bent over to look closer. Subconsciously eliminating anything that wasn't chocolate, she skimmed over the selection.

Raspberry Chocolate, Chocolate & Macarons, Chocolate Caramel, Chocolate, or Double Chocolate Chocolate.

She suppressed the giggle-snort that threatened to rise out of her throat.

Byulyi-unnie would never in a million years turn down anything with more chocolate.

As she waved the barista over, Wheein shifted the mask further up.

"Can you pack this one?"

She pointed her yellow painted fingernail at the Double Chocolate Chocolate Cake.

The waitress uttered a brief, "Of course," and set about gathering together a bag and a box.

Wheein rose. Her back creaking a little as she straightened it. 

She glanced out the window.

Past the heads of the patrons and the large window that cast a stormy blue filter on the outside world, Wheein could make out the way the trees shook and swayed in the wind. The naked branches of December rattled as if they were about to claw at each other's faces. The bits and leaves once strewn across the streets were being picked up in a winding swirl. The sky had turned a pale, miserable grey. 

Wheein watched as a couple that passed by ducked under an umbrella too small for the both of them. The rain rolled off the surface in legions of droplets.

Out of the corner of her eye, she registered the barista who waved her over. She blinked - reluctantly tearing her eyes away from the outside world.

Taking the bag she was handed, Wheein suddenly had a thought. 

She looked down into the bag.


"I'm sorry, I forgot to mention this earlier. Could you pack some candles too? It's my unnie's birthday."

The barista looked surprised. "Of course. Would you like me to write her name on the cake as well?"

Wheein felt a touch embarrassed and her laughter came out ruefully. "Yes, that would be great, thank you. Just write - "

The sound of thunder interrupted her - shattering against her ears like a set of cymbals. 

Wheein cowered, ducking her head beneath one arm. Her heart sped up, keeping rhythm with the beat of the downpour. 

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