Chapter 12: Past

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July 4th, 2018. The day my whole world turned upside down.

It was the day of celebration for most. But for me? It became the worst day of my life.

The day started out like any typical Fourth of July. My parents and I planned to see the fireworks later that night at the lake.

I was excited to leave the house after weeks of being cooped up inside since school ended.

Beth was still not talking to me since that day I told her about Joshua. I'd sent her many messages hoping for a response, but she never did.

After school let out, Joshua seemed to put an end to his stalking of me, and I hadn't heard from him either.

I began to relax, feeling glad that life was becoming normal again.

I spent most of the day with my parents at the lake, enjoying every moment. My mom and I laughed until our sides hurt from dad's horrible jokes.

When the fireworks show started, I stood between my parents, and I was happy. For just a second, I forgot about Beth. I forgot about Joshua. I lived in the moment.

We were on our way home in a quiet car except for the soft music playing on the radio. We were all tired and couldn't wait to get home.

I dozed off in the back seat of the car when my phone pinged. I grabbed it, Beth's name flashing. I couldn't type in the numbers fast enough to unlock my phone.

I read the message, and my heart soared with joy. She finally wanted to talk. She wanted to meet at Joshua's house.

Now I was wide awake and couldn't wait to get home.

We arrived home, and I walked quickly to my room. I hid in there and waited for my parents to go to bed. It was a little after midnight when I finally heard their bedroom door shut.

Opening my door a crack and sticking my head out to see the light had gone out in their bedroom. I waited thirty more minutes for good measure before leaving.

As I snuck towards the front door, I prayed the floor beneath my feet wouldn't squeak. I reached the door and keeping one eye on my parent's room I quickly snuck out making sure the door didn't make any loud noise when I shut it. I found my bike leaning against the side of the house and took off down the street.

I didn't care how dark it was, or that I was going to the house of the person who had stalked me most of the past year.

Having Beth back as a friend was the only thing on my mind.

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