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Part 2

"How old are you then?" You're stuck on that one thing, forgetting all about your murdered-in-cold-blood best friend.

Fjor grins at Vidar, thinking you've been won over.

"Around 400 years old or so. Vidar and Ran were children when we ruled." Saxa answers, feeding your curiosity. "Who're you fighting with?"

Suddenly all their heads turn to the front of the building and only Vidar remains to watch over you. Laurits and Magne are to rescue you.

Laurits stands in the doorway to the office with a knife at Saxa's throat and Fjor under some type of spell. "Let our sister go, or your family dies." He slices a little skin open on Saxa.

"Freya belongs to us." Vidar grabs your gloved hand.

"I don't belong to anyone." You snatch your hand away and summon your demons in to deal with Vidar, but he quickly destroys them. "No! You just killed vital officers!"

"They belonged to us. Humans are disposable." Ran says as she mercilessly tears apart your last demon. "You, however, are certainly not."

You watch Fjor try and battle his mother, but he only ends up getting thrown against the wall and you hustle out of the station with your brothers and kind-of boyfriend.

"Never again, Fjor." You grab his hand. "Tell Gry it was a mistake and you have a girlfriend, or I'll take you back so your family can finish you."

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