Hot Girl Bummer

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Part 2
Magne Seier

You and Magne slouched against the wall of the glacier and attempted to kindle a fire. You were trying to tell him what you knew, but Magne wasn't having any of it and the fact you were working with the Jutuls.

"If you don't want to stay in this glacier till the end of time, I'd like to tell you what I know. If you won't talk to me, then fine. We'll stay here for as long as it takes."

"You like me?" He asks in a small voice. "More than friends?"

"Is that all you took away from my rambling?" You question.

"I've read that if a girl's avoiding a guy's question, then she likes him."

"Fine. Yes, I like you..." you roll your eyes. "More than friends."

"Now tell me the truth about everything." Magne demands, scooting closer to you.

"I'd speak, but maybe you'll understand better if it's through my eyes instead of yours."

"Like a Seeress?" He asks.

"More like someone whose lived and been reincarnated multiple times over." You give him a nervous smile and hold out your hands. "Give me yours."

He places his larger hands in your petite ones and closes his eyes as you send him off on a go-pro view through your eyes of the great battle between gods and giants and your role as a goddess. "That all happened? Ragnarok actually happened...." he realizes. "Woah."

"It's a lot to take in, I know. I sure as hell didn't believe Saxa when she spoke in the Old Tongue to me and explained who I was."

"The old language is Icelandic." He cups your cheek. "And it's beautiful when you speak it." He leans in and touches his lips to yours ever so gently. You pull away out of breath, but dive right back in and you fall on top of him. "You really do like me."

"Shut up." You blush and freeze as a wind blows through the tunnel. "There's an opening along the tunnel."

"How can you tell?" Magne asks, following your lead.

"Just trust me, babe. I'm a freaking goddess of nature."

"Really?" He asks.

"Ha, I wish. I'm the goddess of death."


"Don't be nervous around me, Magne. It's not a good look on you."

"Easy for you to say, death-eater." He remarks.

"Oh, lord. Nicknames."

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