1.8 - Hospital

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Luke and Acacia had been texting since the morning he'd woken up. It was now Friday night, the clock had just changed to midnight and he assumed that for Acacia it was probably late at night, or early in the morning. He and Ashton were sat in the living room watching a movie that he wasn't paying attention to, enjoying the empty house. Luke's brothers were off at a friends and Liz was at another overnight meeting, saying she'd be back tomorrow afternoon.

From Acacia:
Holy shit its 5 am. what. dont you have school soon ?

Luke suddenly felt guilty for keeping her up so late (then remembered that she finished school early), but burst out laughing because she didn't even know he was in Australia even though it clearly states that he is in his Twitter bio. He felt Ashton shuffle further away from him and against the arm rest of the leather sofa.

To Acacia:
No it's midnight on a friday i got home from work like 2 hours ago ???

From Acacia:

Luke chuckled quietly, catching Ashton's attention who was sitting quietly next to him.

"Okay Luke, seriously who've you been texting?" Ashton asked with a sigh.

Luke locked his phone quickly, wondering what to say. He hadn't told Ashton about Acacia because he knew that Ashton's immediate reaction would be somewhere between laughing and not believing him, or asking a million questions. "It's no one."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not!"

Ashton pursed his lips together, then nodded slowly. Just as Luke unlocked his phone, Ashton quickly jumped across the sofa and grabbed Luke's phone, pinning him down, instantly going to the messages. Panic went through Luke and he struggled with getting out of the older boys grip, failing every time he tried to reach for his phone, and groaning in frustration.

"Acacia? Acacia Brinley?" Ashton asked once he finished looking at the contact name. "No fucking way."

"It is her." Luke mumbled. "Now get off of me."

Ashton crawled off of Luke, bringing his phone with him much to Luke's dismay. "So if I FaceTimed her right now, the Acacia Brinley would answer?" Ashton questioned.

"Yes." Luke's eyes widened as he seen a smirk grow on Ashton's face. "But- but don't do that, okay?"

"Too late," was the last thing he heard before he heard the familiar sound of a FaceTime call initiating, the annoying ring sounding throughout the house and causing him to run out of the room in a panic to the bathroom so he could fix up his hair and wash his face.

Ashton on the other hand was laughing loudly as he waited for the so called "Acacia" to answer the call. There was no way in hell that he would believe Luke. Why would he have her number and not tell him? That's against the rules of best friendship, or did Luke simply not care about that?

"Hey Luke, it's connecting!" Ashton yelled as he noticed that it was no longer ringing, but connecting so the other person would show. What Ashton wasn't prepared for was to see the familiar brunette girl on the screen smiling while fixing her hair. The video was blurry but it was definitely her. Ashton nearly choked on his own saliva because holy shit.

"Oh, hi." She spoke. "You're not Luke?" She furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion, a look of surprise on her face. She looked extremely tired with bags under her eyes, and Ashton was left wondering what time it was wherever she was.

"Yeah I'm not he- I mean, he's not me- I'm," He facepalmed. "I meant, I'm not Luke, I'm Ashton."

Acacia sent a wide smile, leaving Ashton stare at her in awe.

[DISCONTINUED] In The Crowd (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now