0.7 - Teenagers

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After reading through many suggestions that people had tweeted Luke, he had finally decided on one. It was a pretty well known song. Teenage Dirtbag. He asked Ashton if he could help with the music by playing drums.

"But what's the point of it being acoustic if there will be a loud set of drums also playing?" Ashton pointed it with a questioning look on his face. Ashton wasn't so sure if that would be a good idea. It's not that he doesn't want to make the video with Luke, Luke is his best friend and he'd do anything for him. But is becoming known by more than the general public a little much? Ashton wasn't so comfortable with the thought, he didn't want to be well-known. He wanted to stay an average person with an average life-style, because becoming too known wouldn't work out with Ashton due to his low self-esteem. He's comfortable where he is, and that's that. And he doesn't want to create some type of conflict with himself because of the judgement he will more than likely receive. It's complicated to explain and complicated to think about.

"You can use the little thingy I sit on when I play in my garage, it's kind of like a little... box-looking thing? Just tap and bang on the sides since it's a flat surface and it's a bit easier than an actual drumset, you know? You'd just tap the beat of the songs with the palm of your hands." Luke tried to explain, being terrible at it, but he was desperate. He wanted Ashton to be with him for his first video, and maybe even future videos. He knew Ashton was good at using drums and banging on the most random things to create some type of beat or melody, so it couldn't be too bad, right? It's not like they'll get too big or anything, the only power they've got is Luke's Twitter followers who are already obsessed with other celebrity's too much to become any sort of big fan, even though they might earn themselves a decent fanbase. Well, Luke would, Ashton would pretty much be just a part of Luke's channel since musical covers aren't the only kind of videos he'll be making, that's for sure.

"Just, Ashton please start practicing for this, please." Luke looked at Ashton in desperation. Ashton should agree to helping, Luke thought.

But Ashton doesn't know. He has no clue that the only reason Luke's doing this is for a certain colourful-haired-boy's attention. He has no idea.

Ashton blew out a breath he was holding in, and hesitantly nodded. "Fine, okay, I will. When do I need to be done?"

Luke jumped up and clung onto Ashton's muscular body, grinning. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He exclaimed quickly, just barely audible for Ashton to understand. Ashton chuckled, his hazel-eyes filling with a look of happiness, not for himself but for Luke. He'll try to help with a video, because what are best friend's for, right?

• • •

Calum Hood was bored, following a couple of people, some of which Michael was already following. He sported a small smile on his face, reading the reactions of a few reactions of the people he has just followed. He loved making people happy, it's one of the many things that keep him happy.

Being a part of the M&C group (All Michael's idea, by the way) has been good, although Calum wished he had a bigger group of people that liked him. Not to be a selfish person, but he wanted more attention. But he didn't get that attention, because Michael was like the face of their group. Calum was an important part, but he also wasn't a "completely necessary part", he's been told. And it hurt Calum. He was slowly becoming less and less happier with things he'd normally enjoy, and his song-writing capabilities just- aren't there anymore. He's got no inspiration.

Yes, Calum's tried using his sadness for a song, but he doesn't work that way. He likes to write about happy things, it's the way his mind works. Sure, he'll write about heartbreak, but not about being sad. There's a difference with the two, and you'd have to truly experience both to understand that significant difference.

[DISCONTINUED] In The Crowd (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now