Chapter Twenty-Nine

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  YongSun didn't speak to anyone through the lunch buffet. She kept her head down so she could not meet anyone's eyes. She told the queen, when she asked, that the journey had tired her out. She did debate retreating to her room and hiding until dinner but if she was going to make it in the castle, she had to face them head on.

Lunch thankfully passed without much talking. She did get a few questions from the higher lords and ladies, but she kept the answers short enough that they stopped asking after the first course. The only memorable part was the fresh cucumber soup, it was a signature dish from her kingdom, it reminded her of home. She wondered if the King asked the kitchens to prepare it when she showed up or if it was always on the menu. She was more than happy to be whisked away by her guards at the end of lunch, at least she could have some time alone in her room. She looked for TaeOh through the crowd as she was being escorted away. They locked eyes and he gave her a playful wink, sending reassurance through her, she managed a small smile back, she still had hope everything was going to be okay.

Back in her bed chambers she was met by YooJin. The girl was positioned in the centre of her room, a long list of activities already outlined for the week, damn they worked fast. The lunch was meant to be a surprise, that is why she was not told about it, even if there was a funeral along with it. YongSun kindly asked YooJin to warn her next time.

YongSun didn't have time to rest. She was to change into yet another dress, thankfully a lighter one, and meet Eric in the sunroom for tea. They were to get reacquainted. YooJin said the queen was already planning the wedding again. YongSun thought it a bit too fast, it had only been a few hours since she came back, you would think the king would like more time to make sure that YongSun and TaeOh had not double crossed him.

The King was a smart man, YongSun knew that. If he called the wedding back on so fast it was to benefit him, he must still need the alliance with Thaiston bad enough that he was rushing it. It was not like he couldn't find a way to get rid of her later If need be. A shock ran through YongSun, was she really thinking of her own possible death so lightly? She shook the thought, she wouldn't give Henry a reason to question her, she would be the model princess, and that started with tea.

YongSun practically floated into the sunroom. The lilac coloured dress they put her in brushed her ankles, but the skirts were smaller, lighter, it was more of a summer dress than an elegant dinner outfit. The room had so many windows that YongSun had to shield her eyes from the midday sun beaming through the glass.

Eric was already seated on the large red velvet couch. He wore navy blue pants and a white shirt, slightly unbuttoned at the top. His brown hair had grown out a bit since the last time she saw him, he had it combed over to one side. Though his brown eyes were bright, there was a weary look to them, like he was still unsure about her. He tried to look relaxed, leaning back against the couch, one arm tossed across the back, one leg crossed over the other, but YongSun could see the stillness of his muscles.

YongSun took a seat in the two-seater beside him. As soon as she sat down servants brought the tea in, placing an elegant blue tea set upon the mahogany table before them. An array of cookies and small sandwiches were also placed there, as if they had not just eaten lunch. Both the royals were served tea, then Eric dismissed the servants, leaving them alone in the large room alone.

YongSun brought the blue porcelain glass up to her lips and took a sip as she surveyed the room, very aware of the dagger's cool touch on her leg. The room held various paintings and sculptures around the perimeter. The only furniture was the one that they were already occupying, along with another two-seater and a matching chair. There was a fireplace directly across the room from YongSun that remained unlit in the summer heat.

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