Chapter Forty-Two

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WheeIn paced around the border of the camp. She got sent away for checking on HyeJin so much, she took up post guarding the camp to take her mind off of it. It had been hours since Jin arrived at the camp with TaeOh's message, and yet they had not heard from any of them. It was concerning. Arcadia paced next to Wheein matching her steps, probably feeling WheeIn's anxiety, wondering what happened to her friends.

"Shouldn't we do something?" Luna asked from the top of a rock she was sitting on, she was polishing her sword, her way of dealing with nerves. WheeIn expected Luna to stay with the party delivering the kids back to the Knight, but she stayed behind, most likely because TaeOh had not been accounted for.

WheeIn leveled her with a look. "We can't just abandon the camp, there are not many of us in good condition." Like HyeJin, who no longer had a leg.

Luna stood up and jumped down from the rock. "I can't just sit here wondering what is going on. If we wait any longer they will be dead." She snapped.

"Do you think I want them to die?" Wheein growled in Luna's direction. "TaeOh is my brother Luna, Byul and YongSun are my friends. Just because you are sleeping with TaeOh..." She knew it was a mistake as soon as she said it.

Luna's eyes closed slightly, looking ready to hit WheeIn. "At least the person you love is safe." She couldn't say anything, she was right, HyeJin might be hurt but she is safe. WheeIn opened her mouth to apologize.

Arcadia stopped and looked over the deep woods and growled. Wheein and Luna drew their weapons. They could hear someone running. A young man came crashing through the brush, out of breath, almost falling over at the sight of the woman with their blades out.

He threw his hands up. "I was sent by Blue" His face clicked in WheeIn's mind, he was there during the attack of the camp. "The princess is dead." He choked out. "A bomb went off at the castle during the wedding, then someone slit the princess's throat. The news is all over town."

WheeIn went cold, that couldn't be, there was no way YongSun could be dead. "Go back to Blue." She commanded. "Ask him if he can spare a few men, meet us on the road to the castle in twenty minutes." She grabbed Luna by the sleeve. "Now you got your action."

They ran back to camp to get two of the fastest horses they had available and hooked them up to a wagon. If anything they would bring back the bodies of the fallen in it, she just hoped they wouldn't be bringing back bodies.

WheeIn and Luna raced towards the castle sure that they were on a suicide mission. She didn't think about what she was going to do once she got there, she just knew she had to get answers and get them as fast as she could and there was only one place they were going to get them.

WheeIn wasn't sure if YongSun's death was planned by TaeOh and Byul as a way to get her out of the castle or if it had really happened, but since none of them had shown up at camp, it could only mean trouble.

She wanted to be by HyeJin's side, making sure she was okay, but she couldn't just leave the others. TaeOh was her brother after all. According to Blue's men, it had been almost an hour since YongSun was allegedly killed. She couldn't waste any more time trying to decipher if YongSun's death was a plan or not, she just needed to get to the castle.

As they got closer, the ground started to shake. It was subtle at first, feeling like small rattles as they rode, but once they hit the outer grounds of the castle they got harsher as if the earth was ready to break open and swallow them all. Delivering them to hell.

There were no more guests at the castle and barely any guards as they approached, though she was sure they probably knew they were coming, they weren't being stealthy about it. Luna did not steer them to the front gate, she went around, trying to find what was left of the wedding, that is where they would get their clues as to where the others were.

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