Chapter Forty-Five

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    The Knight looked almost the same as when Byul first saw it. There was this sort of cloud of mystery to it when she first arrived, now that was gone. Now it was as if she was home. For the first time in a long time, she finally felt like she had returned home to something. This was partly due to the woman walking next to her. YongSun was still in a lot of pain, Byul’s headache had mostly disappeared, but there was someone they needed to pay a visit to, well a few people. They’d have time now that Joon gave them the house they’d been staying in as a permanent residence. They had not decided if they were accepting it yet. 
Joon had ordered everyone to leave them alone, give them their space and peace, there was plenty of time to thank them tonight at the celebration. That made the walk a more peaceful one. They were on their way to see Jin. Byul had not seen him since their days at YongSun’s castle, which seemed like two lifetimes ago. Byul wasn’t in a hurry to get answers from him about their connection but they didn’t want to stay in the house anymore and this gave them something to do. Byul and YongSun have been avoiding Ernesto, for different reasons, but neither girl was ready to talk about their powers yet, so they would see him another day. 
Jin looked the same as she had last seen him, everyone else seemed to have grown up a bit in the last few months but not Jin, he still looked like that fresh-faced kid on their team. He was without a shirt, hammering some steel into a weapon, a group of young girls watched from a few feet away. Byul suddenly felt a bit nervous, not just because this boy she knew for years might be related to her but this was the first time he was going to see her as a girl. Being with YongSun made her forget she started this journey masked as a man, for many years. 
Jin looked up at them as they approached. He had an immediate smile for YongSun, like seeing a long-lost friend. When his eyes shifted to Byul he gave a pause. His brow furrowed in confusion for a moment before his face broke out in the largest grin she had ever seen on his face. He dropped what he was doing and jogged over to her, collecting her in a short hug. “I thought they were lying to me.” He said when he let go. “There was no way Yul was actually a woman, not in a million years did I think that was possible, but now seeing you, I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.” He grinned. “Breasts suit you.” Byul punched him, he rubbed his arm laughing. “Yeah, that’s Yul.” His gaze dropped on YongSun. “And you got with the princess, I always knew you had better game than TaeOh.” 
Byul gave a laugh of her own. “Don’t let Luna hear you say that.” 
He tensed momentarily. “Yeah, she is one scary girl, kind of perfect for TaeOh.” Byul hated to admit he was right, no matter how hot-headed Luna was, she was good with TaeOh, Byul was starting to get used to her. 
Jin wiped the sweat off him, and replaced his shirt, disappointing the onlookers. “What brings you two here? Not that I am not amazingly happy to see you again.”
Byul looked to YongSun who gave her a small nod. “I have a few questions for you if you have time.” 
“For you, anything.” He placed an arm over both of their shoulders and steered them to a seating area nearby, Byul didn’t miss the looks they got from his fans. “What can I answer for you?”
Byul looked at her feet, YongSun placed a hand on her knee. “I am not even sure if you can answer them or not.” 
“Try me.” 
Byul locked eyes with him. “It has come to my attention recently that we might be related.” When he gave her an odd look she gave him a quick rundown of the things that happened, YongSun’s vision, her conversation with the Lunarous spirit. 
Jin looked like he was having trouble following. “Forgive me, I am still new to all this magic stuff. So the princess had a vision of this spirit when she touched me, then saw the spirit who said we are related because the spirit belongs to you?” 
Byul tilted her head to each side like she was weighing the conversation. “Yes and no, it’s going to be hard to understand until you’re used to the magic...which I am not even used to it yet, we just thought we’d ask.” 
Jin thought it over. “I don’t really know what you tell you, both of my parents ran from the North and came to the South before I was born, they never talk about where they came from or any family they left behind.” Byul felt deflated. “They still live in the same village I grew up in, my father is the local blacksmith.” He pointed to the work he was doing. Byul knew this much, they had swapped a few stories over the years, it was just never deep. “We can take a trip there and see if they can answer your questions.” 
That had Byul perked up. “That would be great Jin, thank you.” 
He smiled. “Hey I’d be honoured to be related to you, and if I can get you answers I will. You guys should rest a few weeks and when you’re ready we can head there.” The blacksmith holler at Jin to get back to work. “I guess that is my cue, I’ll be seeing you around.” He gave them both a squeeze on the shoulder before he returned to work. Byul couldn’t help but think he wouldn’t be a bad person to have in her family. 

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