Chapter Eighteen

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Memorial day had finally arrived. The village was buzzing with talks of the trip to come. TaeOh leaned against the outer wall of the mess hall, watching it all happen. He didn’t want to go back to his old village, he didn’t want to remember the last day he had been there. He had been trying to avoid his mother since the moment he found out that she was still alive. It wasn’t that he didn’t want a relationship with his mother, but the fact it had been so many years just made it awkward because he had no idea who she was anymore. The only thing he did know was that his mother helped raise WheeIn, he couldn’t help but be jealous that she got to have a second chance at being a mother. TaeOh shook his head, he was being stupid and her knew it, he agreed to go on this trip to his old village because he saw the look in Byul’s eyes, how much she wanted to go back. They had left together all those years ago, so they would return in the same way. 

A group full of children came running past him. They were all chatting and playing in an excited fashion. TaeOh assumed they were off to the school house, it was a building on the edge of town with small rooms for the kids of the village to study in. In the two weeks he had been in this village, he had memorised every building and structure in the village. One of the children tripped in front of him and went spralling to the ground. TaeOh immediately bent down to help her out. She had long orange hair, blue eyes slightly rimed with tears. “Are you okay?” He asked her as he helped her to her feet.

The girl swallowed hard, her tears vanishing as she did, they softened at him, she was looking at him as if he was a prince. “I am perfectly fine, thank you kindly for helping me.” Her cheeks were stained red.

TaeOh smiled at her. “Anytime.” When she didn’t leave he added. “What is your name?” 

Her blush deepened. “Mina.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes. 

He held out a hand. “It is very nice to meet you Mina, I am TaeOh.” She shook his hand gently.

“What are you doing?” Luna’s voice snapped.

The girl jumped back, TaeOh rolled his eyes. “Do you have nothing better to do this early in the morning Luna then to harass me?” She walked up next to him, wearing her usual black uniform, snug to her form.

Her green eyes cut into his but she never intimidated him. “I was talking to her.” Her eyes cut to the young girl, she could be no older than ten years old, she cowered from the look. “Mina why are you not with your class? You are going to miss the trip.”

The girl took a moment to try and look more strong, TaeOh almost smiled at the attempt to not look as weak in front of Luna, he was surprised she could. “I was running and I tripped.” Her eyes flashed to TaeOh. “TaeOh was kind enough to help me up.”

Luna crossed her arms. “You needed a man to help you up Mina?” Her eyes cast away again. “If you want to look more strong to your classmates you need to be more in control, walk with purpose and determination. Calculated steps remember. How are they going to take you seriously if you are tripping all over the place?” At the girl’s shy gaze, Luna sighed. “Do you remember the moves I taught you?” She nodded her head eagerly. “Okay, think about each step you take, keep eye contact and remember who you are.” Another nod. “Go now or you will be left behind.” The girl smiled at them both, thanked TaeOh again and ran off to catch up with her classmates. Luna sighed as soon as Mina started running again. 

TaeOh looked at Luna, watching after the girl. “You’re sister?”

Luna cut him a look. “Was it the hair colour?” It sounded sarcastic. 

He shook his head. “You sound just like I did when I was training Byul how to be a warrior, little sisters are difficult at times.” 

She looked at him for a moment, like she was wondering why he was being so nice to her. “I just don’t want people to walk all over her, she is too nice.” She said it defeatedly, as if it was something she was keeping inside for awhile. 

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