Day 10

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Theodosia's P.O.V.*

This was it. The final day of the arrangement. Day 10, the biggest day fo the arrangement. Why do I keep repeating that? Ugh, I'm just so nervous. Philip told me that he had planned something explicitly special, for today. I really hope that it'll be good but I know that Philip knows me well and he knows what I love. 

I was currently walking down the street with Philip. My hand was wrapped around his elbow, as we walked in comfortable silence. I couldn't help but look down at my outfit insecurely. I was wearing a light purple long skirt with a petticoat underneath it. Onto up I wore a light purple matching corset with long tight sleeves, and lace hanging from the cuffs. For shoes, I had purple flats.

Every moment or so Philip would look down at me nervously before looking ahead blushing. What was going on with him? He was never this nervous. He was one of the most confident people I'd ever met. He kept pulling on the color of his coat as if he felt extremely hot. 

Philip's curly hair was testing on his shoulders just the way I liked it. He was wearing a plain white shirt with a long navy silk coat, over it. He had on black breeches with black buckled boots. He looked extremely cute today, as he led me down the street but I couldn't but worry fro Philip. He just didn't seem okay as we headed down the street together. 

"Honey, are you alright?" I asked stopping us in our track as I held a hand up to his cheek.

I watched Philip blush a bright red, making me smile a bit. He cleared his throat, nervously nodding calmly. Turning to start walking but I didn't walk as I stood there not moving.

"You seem on edge," I said as I began walking with him.

"I'm not on edge. I'm just kind of in shock that the arrangement is coming to an end today." He said smirking down at me."And I'm spending this special day with you." He said laughing lightly as he tapped my nose lightly.

"Back up, boy!" I said laughing as I playfully bit at him, making him chuckle. 

But after one more minute of walking, we came to a halt in front of a pretty looking majestic grassy field. In the middle of the field, was a small picnic blanket with some sandwiches, and cakes on top of it beside, a bottle of water. All around the field were different beautiful pastel-colored flowers, making the whole moment feel even more surreal. 

It seemed to perfect as I ran out onto the feel letting go of Philip, looking up at the shining sun, and the majestic clouds, as they moved around slowly in the sky. I turned to Philip with a large smile on my face. I couldn't believe that someone had cared for me so much that they had organized this for me.

"Oh, Philip!" I said happily, as I ran into his open arms. 

Philip laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist before spinning me around. He spun me around a couple of times before dropping me back down onto the grass, with a grin on his face.

"Thank you," I whispered leaning up to connect our lips, in a spark of lightning.

We broke apart smiling at each other brightly, as Philip looked down at me with a look of sure admiration etched onto his face. He looked so consumed in looking at me as I looked at him. I observed his light freckles which were dancing all over his face. I looked into his dark brown eyes, that any person could get lost in. 

And I too had gotten lost in his majestic eyes. So lost that I hadn't paid attention to him as he reached into his pocket pulling out a small velvet encased box.

"Theodosia Burr." He said with a smile on his face, as he let go of me getting down on one knee as he held the box in his hand. The box stayed closed as he continued to speak. "Ever since I met you at the winter ball, I couldn't get you out my mind. You have me so completely helpless for you. So will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Philip asked grinning up at me.


Ten Days ⊰Philidosia⊱ (✓)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang