Day 1

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Philip's P.O.V.*

Today was day 1, of the ten-day arrangement. I was currently on the front steps of Theodosia's house, ready to take her on a small date. In one of her letters to me she had mentioned that she had a liking for checkers, so I decided to take her to the garden outside of my house where we could play checkers. I was planning on having her spend the rest of the afternoon at my garden since it was already 1 pm.

I was large, and full of colorful flowers, with a white wooden fence around the whole area. In the middle of the garden, was a beautiful fountain, along with a small table for two. My mother and I had even baked treats. I wasn't much of a baker but I really wanted to prove to both Theodosia, and her father that I could be a great husband. 

So I stood there outside of Theodosia's house, wearing black breeches, a white shirt, with a blue buttoned waistcoat, with a gray long silk coat over the whole outfit. My mother had said that I'd looked handsome, but I still felt extremely unsure of myself.

Even as I stood there holding a fresh bouquet of pink roses, red roses, and white camellia. Finally, after standing outside for at least 10 minutes looking like a nervous fool, I finally managed to knock on the door. A little less than a moment later Mr. Aaron Burr, Theodosia's father opened the door. He smiled lightly, stepping aside as his daughter approached me at the door with a smile.

"Philip!" She said smiling as I handed her the bouquet.

"For you m' lady!" I said bowing jokingly.

"Thank you my liege." She said laughing as she curtsied, taking the flowers into her hand.

She turned towards her father with a smile on her face. "Philip and I will be leaving father, could you find a vase for these flowers?" Theodosia asked.

"Of course." He said nodding as he took the bouquet. "Have fun." He said shaking my hand, as Theodosia, stepped outside and he shut the door behind her.

Theodosia smiled at me waiting for me to speak. I couldn't help but just stare at her. She looked gorgeous today. She was wearing a light purple Caraco, over a long white skirt, with a large petticoat, to make the dress poof out. Her natural body wave hair was in a simple chignon bun. She looked absolutely radiant as she smiled up at me.

"Today, I decided to take, you out to my garden," I said offering her my elbow, which she took, as I began leading her down the street to where I lived.

"That sounds lovely." She said grinning, as we turned onto my street.

"Yeah, we could walk, and talk, have some food and play some checkers by the fountain," I said grinning as I said the last part.

"You remembered!" She said happily, squeezing my elbow lightly.

"Well, how could I forget?" I asked as we spotted my house which easily had the best garden on the street. "Ah, there's my house," I said pointing to mine.

The large garden could be seen even from here, and less to my liking I spotted my father sitting on the front porch reading the morning newspaper. We had to go through the house to get out to the back yard, meaning we'd have to talk to him. Great. He better not mess this up for me because I had a good feeling that Theodosia was actually enjoying this.

But to my surprise, my father didn't say anything as we passed, and my mother, just introduced herself kindly, as Theodosia, and I passed through the kitchen. And just like that, we found ourselves alone in the large garden. I had no idea what to do so I let the lady decided what she wanted to do.

"How about we sit by the fountain?" She said smiling as she spotted the large stone marble garden fountain which was smack dab in the middle of the garden.

So that's what we did. We sat there talking, about anything and everything, occasionally we would play a game checkers, and at one moment we ended up splashing each other playfully with the fountain water. 

It was both fun and relaxing to spend the afternoon with Theodosia. But I think the best part of the day had been when she told me she loved me when I had walked her home at 5 pm.

"I love you." She said smiling, lightly as she stood there on the steps of her house.

"And I love you," I said smiling as I kissed her hand.

Day 1, had been great but we had to find a way to prove our love to our fathers. And Theodosia had told me about her foolproof plan.

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