Day 9

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Philip's P.O.V.*

Tomorrow was the day I planned on proposing to Theodosia. But obviously I need her and my parents permission. So invited her father over, to my house, and I even brought a ring with me. I wanted to show her father and my parents that I was serious about. I was serious about marrying Theodosia, getting a house, and having children sometime in the future.

The ring it solves was a thin silver band with a large light bleu stud on the top of the band. Theodosia, a wasn't going to be here, since I wanted this to be a complete surprise, so her father told her that he had to go to work. 

I looked down into the little red velvet box, that held the ring as I nervously paced through my living room. My mother had set up some snacks, and tea on the coffee table as my father sat on the couch staring out the window, as we waited for Theodosia's father Mr. Burr.

I heard a loud knock on the front door, scaring me out of my trance. So I put the ring box into the pockets of my black breeches, heading over to the door in my white shirt, black buttoned waistcoat. On top of it all, I wore a long silk purple coat, which had gold detailing everywhere. It was the fanciest thing I owned. 

"Mr. Burr," I said nodding at Theodosia's father with a smile on my face.

"Hamilton." He said smiling at me as he adjusted, his coat stepping onto the threshold, of the house.

"Please come inside," I said stepping aside, as he stepped inside of the house. 

We all headed over to the living room where mother was sitting in an armchair. My father was seated on the couch, where Mr. Burr joined him. I quickly headed over to the other armchair quickly plopping down. For a moment no one said anything even though we all knew why we were here. But then I realized that they expected me to start the conversation so I stood up nervously clearing my throat.

"So I wanted to talk to all of you today, because well, about Theodosia," I said blushing slightly as the thought of Theodosia made its way into my mind. "Well, I wanted a blessing for our marriage. Because if it's alright with you guys I want to propose to her tomorrow. And hopefully, get married sometime after that." I said smiling at the adults around the room, who all wore unreadable expressions except for my mother.

"You have my blessing 100%," She said smiling confidently, and proudly. "It's so clear to me that the two of you are so very in love." She said making me blush in embarrassment.

She stood up happily wrapping her arms around me embracing me in a tight motherly hug which multiplied my confidence by thousands. She let go off me squeezing my should before sitting back down on her armchair with a proud grin plastered on her face.

"Thank you," I said smiling happily.

I was so glad that I had my mother on my side. Because my father always seemed to cave when my mother was involved in things. She turned to my father who still seemed unsure. I began to lose hope until someone began to speak their opinion out.

"You have my blessing as well, I asked Theodosia, why she loved you and she made the most in love expression I'd ever seen. And as you remember I also talked to you, and it's clear that you love each other deeply." Mr. Burr said smiling proudly, standing up to shake my hand.

"I agree, I think you guys were made for each other. You have my blessing." My father added to what Mr. Burr said making my heart swell.

This was it. I was going to marry my beautiful Theodosia when she said yes tomorrow. I nearly jumped up with excitement as I beamed at my parents and Mr. Burr. 

"Thank you guys so much you won't regret it!" I said beaming brightly as I reached into my pocket taking out the ring box. "This is the ring."

I handed it to my mother who looked it over happily, before passing it along. And by the end of the day. I was sure that everything was going to go perfectly tomorrow.

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