Godfathers and Sick Babies part 1

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It's been a week, Ally again had another great work out! She is so happy with how things are going, and with the progress she's made. She feels good, and she feels great. and Austin teases her saying that it's only been a week and she's exaggerating because no work out can be that great.

But she says that she loves it and she's having fun and that she's motivated and it makes him happy that she's happy and in to it..

So they trade off who has the kids in the mornings.. when ever she has her work out he's with the kids and whenever she doesn't she's with them. Which works out great.

So this morning, he decided to get up early and make food for Ava and himself so that they could eat in bed.. like he's been doing ( even though ally said that eating in rooms are for special occasions)

But it seemed to be working out fine for him.. he and Ava get to watch cartoons together, and he feeds her so she's not the one making a mess.. then whenever Alex wakes up he joins them, and mornings have gone smoothly ever since.

When they are done they brush their teeth together and wash hands and she goes off and plays in the play room.

He brings down the baby in one arm and washes the dishes in the other which by the way his arm is still healing and he should be getting his cast off in a few weeks.

So he's now washing dishes and trying to entertain the baby who sat in the bouncer by getting him to smile.. by making ridiculous faces and noises and  baby talk.

And Alex smiles and cooes and it's worth looking like an idiot just to get his baby to smile.

" good morning love of my life" she comes in and startled him and then she  hugs him

He smiles " hey.. I really hope you didn't hear any of that just now"

" I absolutely did and I'm gonna tease you about it my beautiful BIG  blonde baby boy" she pinched his cheek

He laughs " how was it?"
" good good! I'm super exhausted tho, I'm also very hungry.." she said getting some water to drink

" I have your food out for you already" he said pointing to the table

" thank you very much!" She tip toes and kisses him
" you're welcome very much" he kisses her back
" you are the greatest!" She said going over to Alex " hi my beautiful little blonde baby boy!!I don't care if I'm all sweaty I missed you" she kisses his smiley face

" whenever he sees you his whole face lights up" he says " you tend to  have that effect on people"
" and he just loves me so so much" she gives the. A h more kisses
She smiles and sits down " oh my god  we leave in just a few days, I'm actually pretty excited to be going to Arizona! It will test how both kids will do on a plane for when we go on our epic family vacation this summer!!"

" yea and my extended family will finally meet Alex, plus they haven't seen Ava since she was just a couple of months old" he said

She finishes her bite " you're right, my  itty bitty baby girl.. where is she by the way"

" she's playing, I'm sure she's doing something she's not supposed to be doing" he said

" she definitely is otherwise she'd be begging to have permission to come down stairs" she said

" I can't wait to work out again" he said " your enthusiasm and motivation alone is giving me major fomo"

" oh really? The other day you said it was annoying" she said
" I know, but you're happy, and it makes me happy when you're happy" he said

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