The First Week!

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Just a lil recap of the first week !!
The first night home went as expected.. the baby was up pretty much every hour and it suddenly made sense why Alex slept most of the day, and it was to throw his parents a party all night.

Earlier in the day when they first got home, everything went perfectly.. they got to sleep, shower and feel normal.

Ava was  overwhelming loving to her brother.. wanting to hold him every second that day.. which made them happy, but very concerned  because Ava would try to climb into the baby's bassinet; or try shoving the Binkie into his mouth.

But it was okay, because it was very heart warming to see Ava interact with her brother even if it meant kissing him way too much, or crying when her parents told her she couldn't put Alex  into her doll stroller..

They eat dinner that the in laws made for them

The baby gets passed around the grand parents, which was fine because they got to eat a very delicious dinner finally.

And as much life was changing, they made sure to keep the same routine going in terms of bed time.. it just got a bit more complicated..

They wanted to make sure that Ava knew that their love for her will never change and that even though most of their attention will go to the baby, they will still give her the attention she needed.

Penny decided to take baby Alex off their hands for a few minutes while

He reads Ava  a book as he did every night, and Ally cuddles her and rocks her like she always did.

Ava finally points out that Ally's baby bump is gone and it was hilarious..

She touched ally's stomach and lifted her shirt

" what's wrong?" Ally asked
Ava pulled around her stomach
" what? Ohh!!" Ally laughed " the baby's out honey!! How are you just now noticing??"

They kiss her good night, and tell her they love her so very much and always will no matter what and that's she is their most special girl, they put her into her big girl bed..

And they tuck her in and give her more kisses until Ava said
" stop it!" And pushes them away

They pretend to be offended, to make her laugh and give her another three kisses

They close the door and high five each other because one kid down, and one more to go.

So far so good.

Ally changes Alex into a different outfit after he ruined the one he was originally going to wear to bed with spit up..

Oh how she missed that stage

She tells him how Alex looks way too much like him.. and finally, he agrees after she shows him a picture of him being a newborn and they are literal twins

Apparently they have little mini me's.. Austin still thinks Alex looks like Ally too.. but she just doesn't see it.

He points out how chill Alex is, and how content he is just laying down, where as Ava had to be held no matter what.

She feeds him and burps him and hands him off to his father so she can go  " milk her self" As he would joke

When she's done, She's so proud that she produced so much that she showed him the bottles when she comes into the room

He's so excited too, because that means he can actually feed his son for the first time.

If you've told  Austin Moon four years ago he'd get excited for his wife's breast milk he'd call you crazy.

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