Reunions and The Last Show

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Hello we love consistency hehe I hope you're enjoying Monday updates!! <3

Also happy eight years since the shows premier!! 💗
Tomorrow night was  finally the last show of what seemed like a tour that never ended.. seriously

Though it was bittersweet they were excited to finally go home and settle down for awhile.

It was also a big one since their best friends were coming in town for the show and also Trish's show too.

Because they were all coming, Austin decided to pick them up at the airport with his baby girl to give Ally a break with her not feeling the greatest.

" are you excited to see your aunties and uncle and baby darrie" he asked his daughter

She doesn't answer
" Ava?" He falls out to her
He looks at the mirror
She had fallen asleep clutching on to her favorite cat-bunny thing Carrie made her

He smiles

Trish was the first one to arrive. She tiredly and angrily drags her things over to where he was standing

" hey Trish!!" He said going to hug her

" I am NEVER having kids EVER!" She said putting her things down
" bad flight" he asked
" oh yea.. some doofus' baby cried the entire way" she said " I was trying to sleep and all i heard was baby screams"

" that sucks" he said
" yea! I needed my beauty rest!" She said
" no I mean for the parents I totally get them, Flying with a baby is a mess ... it must have been so frustrating " he shudders at the memories of when he and Ally dealt  with a baby that cried on flights

" OH I didn't even say hi to my niece!!" She said smiling at Ava "you get bigger everyday"

Ava gives her a blank expression and lays her head on to his shoulder
" she's grumpy she fell asleep in the car and I had to wake her up" he said
I totally feel you girl, I hate being woken up from my sleep" trish said " where's your mommy?" She asked Ava
" oh she's... not feeling well like at all.." he said " she's got it really bad.. she wanted to come, but she couldn't even get out of bed"
" damn.. yea I'm never having kids" she said

" HELLO!!!" Dez said Carrying all the stuff
" hi hi!" Carrie said holding their three month old son

" you guys hi!!" Austin said excitedly

He and Dez do their handshake

" I missed you so much buddy!" He said
" me too!!" Dez said " it's my favorite person in the world!" He smiles at Ava " greetings avie bear!!"
She smiles at him

" oh you could give the doof a smile but not me?" Trish asked Ava " you play favorites huh?"

" AWW look at him!!" Austin said  looking at Darrie holding his little hand  " he's huge and so adorable!!"
" he's a big boy now!!" Carrie said " where's Ally??"

" Shes in bed, she has terrible morning sickness/all day sickness " he said

" aw poor thing" Carrie said
" her moms with her so she'll be fine" he said

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