More Dilemmas

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The next day.. she gets up in the worst possible mood, due from her and Trish still fighting, and now with the news Austin gave her.

She puts that all aside though, so she can greet her daughter who was calling out for her to take her out of the crib

" I'm coming!!" She said going  into her room she smiles at her excitement

Ava bounces up and down in the crib then holds out her arms

Ally pulls her out and kisses her " good morning my love.. I missed you so much!! My favorite little girl in the world " she said the sitting  on the rocking chair

" book" Ava said getting down
" oh of course, I love that you love books just as much as I do" Ally  said proudly

" dis one mommy" Ava picks out a book and brings it over to her mother " dis dis dis"

" a princess book not surprised at all, but good choice.." she pulls her back up on to her lap and then open the book

" once upon a time...."
" Ally.." he said going to their bedroom door " are you awake??" He knocks on the door

No answer
" come on Alls.. talk to me" he said " I feel crummy.. and I just wanna make things right.." he said turning the knob that was unlocked

And the door opens

Their huge room was empty

" Ally where are you?" He asked

He goes downstairs into the kitchen after looking around a bit upstairs

The girls were in the kitchen making some food
They appeared to be in a good mood

" dad dad dad!" Ava said happily holding out her arms

" hi princess" he said picking her up ad he kisses her " are you making breakfast with mommy?"
She hugs him
" awww  i missed you too" he said rubbing her back

He looks over at Ally who occupied her self right away preparing Ava's food

" hey" he said

She looks at him and goes into the fridge

" Ally" he said

She slams the orange juice on to the counter then angrily pours it into Ava's pink sippy cup

" look I know you're mad at me,but don't take it out on the juice .." he said " come on talk to me"

She looks at him quickly then
She sets Ava's food on to her high chair then grabs her own food and leaves the kitchen

He sighs and puts Ava into her high chair so she could eat

She smiles at him and eats her food
" stawbewy" she said happily

He sighs and puts his fingers into his hair

It's been a long time since Ally was ever this mad at him.. And it feels terrible..
it feels terrible that he was caught in the middle of this whole thing.. he feels terrible that this possibly  ruined Trish and Ally's friendship.. and it feels terrible that Dez still doesn't know, and it's even worse that she was now mad at him for keeping stuff from her.

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