New Years and Anniversaries!

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Hello it's New Years, Alex turns a month old and gets a new room, and it's their anniversary!

" The kids are both asleep!!" She zooms over to sit on the couch

" man I thought they'd stay up for New Years... Ava was out once it hit 10" he said looking at his phone

" we're in for a cranky little girl tomorrow aren't we" she said " I can feel it"

He turns toward her " yes yes we are.." he said
" but at least the baby is asleep.. he's got everything.. he's got a binkie, he's full, and changed, wrapped very nicely in a baby burrito, his bassinet is swaying, he's got music, our room smells nice what more could he want" she said

" I can tell you" he said tugging at her shirt

She leans back and sighs

" ohhh what is it?" He asked copying her

" it's just.. it was a crazy year.. can't believe it's New Years well almost New Years! This year has gone by way to fast, we literally have about a little over 2 hours to go" She said

" gives us time to reflect on what an awesome year we had!" He sits up " dispute everything.."

" crazy, intense, sweet, wonderful yet most stressful year of our lives" she said

" yea no kidding.." he said

" we had some good moments, crazy moments, sad moments.." she said " to name a few"

" amazing moments like getting pregnant, tour, our friends starting their own family, Ava growing up way too fast.. me getting a movie role" he began

" having a baby.. and getting a new pet.. wait our house.. that we built!!" she said

" exactly!!" He said
" and we also had tough times.. that.." she sighed " good always out weighs the bad"

" you know what I'm excited for this new year" he said " what are your goals.. personal goals nothing pertaining to our career cause I'm pretty sure we're on the same page"

" umm well.. obviously to get back into shape.." she crosses her arms and looks at him " how about you.."

" I guess I'd say.. acting more.. because I decided that I really liked it" he said

" then you totally should.." she said smiling at him

" but first.. we're absolutely touring this year right?" He asked " or should we wait till Alex is a bit older.."

" hmm.. I mean.. we cannot tour without a finished album" she said

" I know.. I know.. but not just any tour, world tour?" He asked putting his arm around her

She looks at him " you wanna world tour again?"
" yea why not? We brought it up a few months ago.. and haven't talked about it since... but I think we should, our international fans have been begging" he said

" a world tour..." she thinks

" come on!! You loved it the last time.. we had the best time ever!! What's the issue?" He asked

" The issue is we would have to get the kids passports, cause they can't travel without one!" She said

He smiles " oh my god! I thought you were gonna shut down the idea!!"

She smiles and shakes her head " and not go across the world are you kidding?? It's just we have tiny little humans now we can't just pick up and leave.. they need passports, and shots and.. other things we have to take into consideration because I am NOT leaving my babies in the states no way!!"

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