Chapter 1

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Two months and 3 days after Liam had been arrested, I would like to say that things got easier but they didn't life got hard, very hard.

We hadn't heard from anyone since Liam called that first night. One of the guys who arrested him had leant him his personal mobile to call and he had tried my mobile first. He had left me a message in case he couldn't get through on Bobs phone.

I found it the day of my hospital appointment. I had left my phone in my bag and read the sign saying turn your mobiles off. I automatically searched in my bag and pulled it out noticing the answer phone message and a missed call.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked Bob when the number came up. Bob shook his head as we sat in the room waiting on the doctor I decided to listen.

"Hey beautiful, its me. I'll try my dads phone but just in case I can't get hold of you know that I love you and I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry baby but I had to make you all safe even if it was risking myself in the process. I don't know if or when I will see you again so if you can just wait for me for a few years at least.... I know it is a lot to ask but I love you so much and I don't want to lose you. I'll understand if you can't or you meet someone else who can offer you a better life....," he said starting to cry as he obviously pictured losing me in his mind. "Kiss our babies for me. Tell everyone I love them and I'm sorry.... Look after Tyson for me," he paused to compose himself. "Please don't find someone else baby....I love you so much and having you love me back has made me the happiest man in the world. I miss you so much, I just want to hold you and never let go. I don't want to be away from you for even a second, I am so sorry.... I'll try my dad's phone now because I really need to hear your voice. " he air kissed the phone, "I love you. Always and Forever!"

I had held my breath as I listening to him, daring not to breath in case I missed a word. Bob was like a statue too and called Gus to tell him as I saved the message and without warning I couldn't breath, had an asthma attack and collapsed.

I spent the next few days in hospital under observation and signed myself out on the third day catching the bus home as I knew they would all go mad at me for leaving and refuse to pick my up. I didn't have enough money for a taxi but the money they left for chocolate and pop was enough for the bus. I would walk the rest of the way. Even if I did look a looney in my PJ's. Ok it was tracky bottoms, T Shirt and flip flops and only I knew they were really my PJ's and slippers.

I got home when I knew they would all be out, took a shower, pulled out a T Shirt of Liam's and put it on to surround me in his scent. God I missed him! I lay down in bed, hugging his pillow and cried my eyes out till I fell asleep. At least I could be with him in my dreams.

I woke to feel Tyson's lips press against my forehead and stroke my hair.

"Hey naughty," he said with a weak smile. I could tell he was concerned about me. "Do you want me to make you another Liam scarecrow?"

I pushed the pillow out of the way and he climbed on hugging me tight. "My dad is going to kick your ass, you do know that?" he asked.

I nodded as soaked Tyson in silent tears.

Tyson was right Bob went mental and grounded me. I was still grounded and it had been 2 months 3 days since Liam was taken.

I made up for it as I ate everything him, Gus or Tyson put in front of me and actually felt better for it. I trained at the gym to build up my strength. Apparently my hand to eye coordination was really good and Liam would be impressed.

I did everything I was told. Took my medicine, inhalers, attended appointments with doctors and Gus took me to the counsellor. I fucking hated it, I was horrid! The counsellor thought I would benefit greater if Gus was there to help me relax. Basically I told her I thought it was a waste of time, I had far more important things to do than sit answering her stupid 'feelings' questions and I thought she was full of shit. I skipped out on one lousy appointment and it was reported back and Gus dragged me there every Wednesday now.

KISS ME (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 4) (ON HOLD TILL FURTHER NOTICE)Where stories live. Discover now