Chapter 5

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The next morning I was up, had the kids ready and Tyson dropped them off to my mum on our way.

We couldn't get to the prison fast enough and the road seemed never ending. Tyson and I made small talk but I fell to sleep as the lack of it from last night caught up with me.

"We are here," he said waking me.

I woke with a jolt of adrenaline, I got out of the car and Tyson stayed in it waiting for me.

I walked towards the entrance that said visitors and handed over a very shaky visitors pass to the guard.

I followed the directions, went through security checks and was taken through to a room. I was on my own, not visitors room like on TV surrounded by loads of other people. Just a room with a small blue sofa, coffee table and chairs.

"If you would like to wait here we will fetch him for you," he said and left.

My heart was racing. The door opened and in walked Liam, no hand cuffs or chains just Liam.

I stood in shock for a few moments and the ran towards him and flung my arms around him. We held each other tight for a long while and pulled back just enough to look at each others faces lovingly and adorned each other with single kisses between words of 'I love you, you are so beautiful and I missed you so much'.

Liam took us over to sit on the sofa where we cuddled up for a while in silence until he asked, "So what is the big secret wifey?"

"What?" I asked.

"The reason you are avoiding everyone?" he asked. "I know my wife and I know you have to have a secret, we don't have secrets in our marriage so fess up."

I shrugged dismissively but my eyes betrayed me as they flicked towards my secret to ensure it was properly consealed.

Liam clocked it, his jaw dropped as he pushed me back on the sofa gently and lifted my top, his face went ashen. "Oh shit," he said as he realised. "Hot tub?" he asked as he pointed at his child growing in my womb.

"Or any other place we did it on holiday like the mile high club or the elite car club," I said.

"Wow," he said his hands running through his hair worryingly.

"With everything that happened I forgot the get the morning after pill and well.... You got me!" I said. "I haven't done a test or anything but I think we can safely say there is a little 'McKendrey' in there," I said indicating to my stomach.

He nodded.

"Shouldn't you be bigger than that?" he asked as he pulled me up to stand and inspected it as I held my top up.

"I am carrying it all in the back and I was small with Alisha at first and then BOOM she exploded," I explained.

He was in shock I could see that.

He helped me sit back down like I had all of a sudden been stamped with 'fragile' all over.

"Who else knows?" he asked.

"No one," I told him truthfully. "I have barely admitted it to myself and I wanted you to be the first to know after last time."

"You haven't seen a doctor?" he said shocked.

"No, and don't give me that look. So they test the baby for things like Down Syndrome, who cares I wouldn't get rid of our baby because it had Down's and neither would you," I said.

"Of course not," he said unable to take his eyes off the bump. Liam's little sister has Down's and to think that some people terminate pregnancies because of that it disgusts us both. I remember the first time I saw her when Liam had them smack my bum and then she wanted lipstick on in the garden. She was so beautiful and loving and can play up just as much as the rest of the kids. Bob kicks her ass to bed just the same too.

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