Chapter 6

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Tyson insisted on taking me to get a few more items of clothing. He loved to shop and insisted I try everything on regardless of how tired I was... then the bossy little so and so inspected me for growing room. By the time I got home I was dropping off my feet.

Tyson dropped me off and went to collect the children from my parents. I heard the door go as I crashed out on the bed. I was too tired to move, think, react or do anything other than sleep. Tyson had promised to watch the children for me whilst I slept so I fell into a deep sleep for the next few hours and dreamt of my Liam.... It was heaven.

The next couple of days were dragging but finally the date arrived and I was so restless the night before I barely slept a wink. Waking to check the time every few minutes. Going over and over everything in my head.

When I woke Logan stood watching me sleep and coughed. He was getting a cold, he had been sniffling earlier and was moody.

"Aww come here little man," I said.

He climbed in as I lifted the sheets for a cuddle. Oh my god.... Wait oh shit. I sprinted to the bathroom almost knocking Logan out of the bed as I puked up. Logan came in crying and as I turned to apologise to him he puked everywhere too.

Poor Logan had scared himself getting sick and was sobbing his heart out. He puked again as soon as I made a move to get up but I managed to hold him by the toilet whilst I tried not to join in, not that there was anything left to puke up after the last episode.

I stood up and turned the shower on whilst I stripped Logan. "No, No!" he screamed.

"Just calm down, it will tickle for a second and wash the lurgy down the drain then you can get in your PJ's and watch a film," I said over the screaming.

"No, No!" Logan screamed as I held him in the shower.

Logan screamed blue murder as I washed him down. Joe and Marvin arrived to see what was going on. They saw the puke and left.

Alisha was still asleep when Bob arrived to help get the kids off to school as Joe went over to tell them Logan was poorly.

"Urgh!" he said.

"Sick," Logan whimpered to him.

"Bloody hell mate," Bob said as he took a towel covered Logan out of the bathroom for me. "Grand dad will get you some medicine and snuggle with ya," he said.

"I want my daddy," Logan said his bottom lip jutting out.

"Don't we all," Bob replied.

Bob gave him something to take down the temperature and ease his discomfort but he wouldn't settle. As usual you can't plan a child getting sick in your life so I would have to stay home as my mum had gone to Ireland as her sister was ill and Cilla would be at the trial with the others. I had no choice but to stay home, I was not leaving him with just anyone if he was poorly.

Everyone went to get ready for the trial and dropped the kids off to school as I sat there crying and watched a poorly Logan sleeping. I rang the doctors surgery for an appointment and as I had the use of my mums car for a few days. I just wrapped Logan in his favourite blanket and didn't bother getting him changed out of his jumpsuit PJ's as we were going in and out of the surgery. He slept right through to when we went to see the doctor.

When the doctor examined him on the patient bed he was still too tired to wake. The doctor put it down to a virus and in the spur of the moment I told the doctor I was pregnant.

"Did you do a test?" he asked.

I undid my jacket and lifted my top.

"That testament enough for me," he said and had me pop on the table for a prod around as he called the nurse in to hold sleeping Logan.

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