Jimin- Odontophobia

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This is the first of what I hope will be many. if you have a request PM me. Enjoy :)

The dentist is known to be one of the most common phobias amongst people.

Jimin was one of this people, with some it comes naturally from movies or others people experiences that put fear into the mind of those who have to go to the dentist. Unfortunately for Jimin his phobia came from an experience that he buried deep, even his parents didn't know the full extent of the fear that Jimin carried.

Jimin was 10 when his fear of hospitals and doctors started.

Jimin was 10 when he was found screaming in a hospital room.

Jimin was 10 when he had his first panic attack


The morning was bright when Jimin finally opened his eyes. They had a few days break in their packed schedule that allowed them all to catch up on sleep and relax. Jimin stretched and looked over to Hoseok's bed to see that he was still sound asleep, Jimin smiled and then stumbled to their ensuite bathroom. The first thing he did was splash water on his face to wake him up, while doing this he recognised the quiet hum downstairs, the kettle boiling and soft laughter that he noticed was Jin Hyung. He decided to brush his teeth first before going to join them. As he was brushing his teeth, he suddenly jolted. Jimin pulled the toothbrush out of his mouth and breathed through the sudden pulsating pain radiating through his mouth. Gingerly, Jimin put the toothbrush back in his mouth and brushed over the sore area. He gasped as the pain sky rocketed and he dropped the toothbrush into the sink. He knew what that meant. His Eomma had gone through it and told him the whole horrible story. By the place of the pain it was his wisdom tooth and that meant only one thing. The dentist.

Hoseok awoke to chocked sobs coming from his and Jimin's shared bathroom. He bolted out of his bed and raced to the bathroom.

"Jimin?" he knocked on the door before pushing it open

"Hobi Hyung?" Jimin's small voice answered. Hoseok took that as permission to enter. He looked around the bathroom and found Jimin curled up in the corner, toothbrush abandoned in the sink with spots of blood.

Hoseok knelt next to Jimin and pulled him into his lap, stroking his hair to calm him down.

"What happened Jiminie?" Hoseok didn't stop his stroking as Jimin took a shaky breath in.

"There was pain" Jimin breathed out "And then it started bleeding"

"What started bleeding?"

"My tooth." Jimin sobbed and curled further into Hoseok.

"Okay, you're okay" Hoseok soothed Jimin

"I don't want it to, please, please make it stop" Jimin worked himself up again clutching tighter and breath picking up

"Sh, Sh we can talk to Jin Hyung and get..." Hoseok was cut off by Jimin's desperate pleads to not tell anyone. "We have to Jiminie, to stop the pain." Jimin just sobbed. Hoseok knew he needed Namjoon or Jin to help this situation, he wasn't sure what Jimin was scared of, just that he was scared. As Jimin continued to sob, Hoseok picked him up bridal style and carried him down the stairs towards the voices of his bandmates.

Hoseok felt bad interrupting the quiet calm, but his main concern was the boy wrapped in his arms silently sobbing.

All the boys could see the fear and panic in Jimin's eyes as he was carried down the stairs by Hoseok. Jin went straight to Jimin and put his hand on his forehead before dragging his fingers through the younger's hair.

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