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Shawn POV

August decided to invite Ty, Trey and I to his crib. Right now we are outside playing basketball in his court.

"Block his ass!" August yelled to Ty as I bounced the basketball around Ty.

I dribbled it around Ty and I made the basket.

"That's how we do it!" I cheered as Trey and I did a chest bump. "Aye, we won fair and square. Now pay up you losers," I gloated with my hand out.

Ty and August sucked their teeth as they went to their duffle bags and each took out $200. That's what they get for letting their pride take over knowing very well that their balling game is weak as fuck.

"Man, this ain't fair. This my court and you are the one who should be paying me," August said as he handed me the money.

Trey chuckled. "Y'all niggas are sore losers," he said. "Let's go inside, I'm hungry," he said rubbing his stomach.

"Is your wife home?" Ty asked August.

"Nah, Nicki's out with her friends," August said.

"Damn it! Your wife literally makes the most amazing sandwiches. I wanted me some," Ty grumbled as he took his duffle bag and walked away with Trey.

I playfully punched August's arm. "You and Nicki have been married for three years. When are y'all gonna have little ones running around?"

"I'm pretty sure Nicki's pregnant right now because I've been hitting it raw every night," he smiled at me. "Enough about me. Are you ready to become a married man?"

I shrugged. "Yah I am," I nonchalantly said.

"Shawn, this ain't something you can say so nonchalant. Marriage is a huge deal. If you get married to the wrong person consider yourself fucked up," he said as we both went to sit on the bench.

I slightly chuckled. "I love Gwen so I know I'm making the right choice," I said.

He shook his head. "I know you love her but are you in love with her?"

I swallowed hard as I took in what August just said to me. "Yes," I said lowly.

"Why did you hesitate? Look, I ain't trying to give you the third degree here I'm just curious. Why did you decide to go back to Gwen? I'm the only one in this group that you told about fucking Gwen back when you were engaged to Beyonce."

I took my water bottle and drank some water. "I love Gwen. End of story."

He chuckled. "I know you love Gwen but are you in love with her?" He asked staring at me. "Imma be real with you. I know you ain't gonna like what I'm about to say-"

"Then don't fucking say it!" I snapped.

"Don't fucking raise your voice at me! I ain't your bitch!" He retaliated. "Imma say it. Gwen ain't the one for you. I'm pretty sure Beyonce is turning in her grave seeing that you went back to the woman you fucked. Any woman is better than Gwen, you know why? You aren't even in love with her. You wanna know how I know that? You never talk about Gwen the way you used to talk about Beyonce. You don't touch Gwen the same way you used to touch Beyonce. You don't even give Gwen the same look you used to give Beyonce," he said.

As much as I wish to punch August in the throat right now, he's right. I'm not in love with Gwen. I'm only getting married because I don't wanna die alone. Gwen was there for me when Beyonce died so I found it fit to get together with her.

"You're right man. I'm not in love with Gwen. I know this gonna sound crazy but I'm still in love with Beyonce. She's the queen of my heart and no one will ever take her place," I said lowly. "Till this day, I regret hurting Beyonce. How I wish I could have kissed her or maybe given her a hug before she died. I ruined a good thing man, that night Beyonce broke off our engagement she had good news but she found nudes and texts between me and Gwen in my phone," I said with my head hanging down.

August patted my back. "Why are you with Gwen then?"

I raised my head and stared into space. "I don't wanna fucking die alone man."

"Everyone doesn't want to die alone. Life becomes a whole lot fucked up if you live it with the wrong person. Its safe to say, Gwen ain't the right person for you. Take your time and heal then you can get back on the saddle," he said.

I smiled at him. "I guess you're right. Right now I gotta find a way to let down Gwen easily," I said getting up.

"Yep and you gotta do it fast before y'all get too deep with the wedding preparations," he said getting up. "Let's go get something to eat."

We went back inside to have something to eat.

Beyonce POV

"Mommy, are we there yet?" Ryan asked as he sat in the backseat of my car.

"Just a couple of minutes baby," I said.

The day has finally come for Ryan and I to move to California. The job they offered me in California has amazing perks. For starters, they helped me find an apartment close to work and its fully furnished, they helped my son get admitted to one of the private schools.

It was a rocky start but I'm proud of myself for bouncing back up again.

"We're here," I said pulling up the parking lot. As I looked around, this place is a really secure and a safe environment to raise a family.

"Finally," Ryan said.

We got our things out of the car. It took a while to get our bags and boxes up to the apartment but we eventually finished.

We did some spring cleaning and made the place look presentable. It took a couple of hours but Ryan and I finally finished with the move.

"Who knew moving was this exhausting," Ryan plopped down on my bed.

Ryan and I just finished freshening up and we're turning in early.

"Go to your room Corey. I'm tired," I said getting under the bedcovers.

Ryan got inside and laid next to me. "Good night then. We gotta wake up bright and early tomorrow," he snuggled close to me.

I'm too tired to ask this boy to get out so I'll just roll with it.

"Good night boo," I drowsily said as I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

I'm happy that my son and I are gonna start our new lives together, at the same time I'm a bit anxious about facing those I left behind. I know that the chances of me seeing Shawn are high so I gotta brace myself for anything.

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