Take Me/Honey Flava 5

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I threw away my old phone and just used my trap phone cause Druex kept calling me. We finally land and I order w hotel suite and we go in our rooms cause our fake I.D's and all. I go inside my room and go to bed. I stare outside the window on my side and frown holding my belly.

"I miss you Jamarcus." I say drifting to sleep.


I take a long hot shower, braid my hair in single plaits, put on some navy blue cashmere slippers and some black and navy blue polo pjs. I put on a black v neck t shirt and Jamarcus hoodie feeling the baby kick up a storm.

"Hmmm you know you going to see your father today Huh? " I laugh waiting for Chres to finish in the bathroom. He comes out wearing purple Timberlands and a white v neck shirt, with Beige skinny jeans and his grape flag on his head. Damn GANG bangin ass nigga. He comes gliding out the bathroom throwing up gang signs. I shake my head and just rub my belly.

"Can we please just go?" I laugh at him.

We still had to rent a car.


We pull up to the house and I sigh nervously looking at the huge home. I suck my teeth and just get out as Chres follows after locking up the car.

I knock on the door and a woman I don't recognize answers. She smiled at Roc and hugged him.

"Hey Auntie Val." He says smiling back after they let each other go.

"And you must be Craigs baby's mama. You're beautiful. "

"Thank you....Where's Craig?" I smile then frown she does too and then chuckles.

"Okay damn. Come on. Impatient." She leads us inside and then I look around with a frown still on. I miss my baby.

"RAY?!" He runs down the stairs and I instantly cry.

"JAMARCUS!" I shout and run towards the steps and we hug. He runs his hands thru my hair.

"Your old hair." He sighed in relief kissing my forehead.

"J-Jamarcus....I don't wanna live without you. I can't breathe without you. You're the rhythm of my heart beat, you're the essence of my dark soul......it took me so long but I finally see that---you ARE a reflection of my dark matter womb skin....and I'm sorry I disrespected you by ever thinking I wasn't beautiful AS YOU! And I'm sorry I went crazy cause I can't handle being pregnant. And I'm sorry I nagged you. And I'm sorry I did all that crazy shit. And I'm SORRY IMA SORRY ASS person. And it isn't cause I'm not beautiful but because I didn't love you right. But if you'll have me....Jamarcus....I'll do right by YOU. Just please let me love you?"

"Ray will you let me LOVE YOU?"

I start crying shivering nodding quickly. "FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! CRAIG I LOVE YOU!" I hugged him crying into his shoulder.

"I hate YALL!" I look up and see Roc and his Aunt Val with boxes of tissues wiping their eyes. "I'm not going to YALL wedding fuck that." Roc shakes his head wiping his eyes. Oh lord. "YALL so dramatic!" Roc rolls his eyes. Jealous ass NICCA.

"Are they always like this?" Aunt Val says shocked.

"This? This is just light work. Just all day expressing their mushy ass feelings. It's disgusting Auntie." Roc scoffs playfully.

"Jealousy never gets you ANYWHERE!" I tease in a sing song voice giggling as Jamarcus holds me closely.

"Oh shut up." Roc flips me the bird and goes upstairs to talk to Prince.


Jacob "Princeton" Perez POV

I was in my bed sleep after my stroke. I came back to Jamaica to see my mom. No one knows she's dying of cancer. She wanted to spend her last days with me...I wasn't allowed to tell anyone and I won't. I'll just tell Roc I wanted to see my mom. He knows I really don't have a relationship with her...but he knows I'll hop right on if she's offering me to see her.

Suddenly I was dreaming with my eyes open.

Roc walked in my own bedroom.

"Am I dreaming?" I ask and he shakes his head no.

"It's me." He walks up to my bed but before he does he locks the door and approaches the bed.

"Why?" He asks looking down at the bed. Not my face. Just in deep thought. Emotionless.



"...." I sighed and then raised myself up and looked into his eyes.

"Why?" I ask back staring at him intently.

"Love." He says quickly. My eyes pop out their sockets.


"Not funny." I scoff leaning back and looking away.

"I know."

"SO why Chres? Why say such a lie?" I turn to him and cry. I hate him.....cause I love him so much.

"ITS NOT A FUCKING LIE!!!" He retorts raising his voice. I jump out my bed and shove him against the wall and then slap him.

"YOU WONT PICK ON ME ANYMORE! IM TOO SICK FOR IT YOU BASTARD! Don't make fun of me! Don't tease me!"

"Why the fuck do you think I'm teasing you? I'm in love with you!" He shakes me but I push him away.

"BECAUSE YOU CAME ALL THIS WAY TO THROW IT IN MY FACE!!! That I LOVE you and IT hurts me Chres. Cause you don't love me. You laugh at me. You just wanna cause me pain-" I broke down almost falling but he caught me in his arms as I wept screaming in pain and agony.

"Prince I never wanted to do that to you. I was an IDIOT! I made fun of you to hide from the fact that I LOVED YOU! Jacob....I never meant to hurt you. That was never my intention....not this much. Just please have me Prince. I'm so head over heels for you. I did a spell on you along time ago just to have you only lust for me. I even thought about a love spell but that was too far in my eyes."

"And the lust spell wasn't? You ass. I love you too." I smirk and kiss his lips. I feel sparks fly when our lips connect. "You ARE the sweetest honey I've ever tasted." I lean into his chest as he holds me on the floor.

"Shit you are too." He laughs and kisses my cheek.

I finally got this stupid ass shit for brains.

Damn I love him.

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