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۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪┊chapter twenty-one
morning after

kassandra woke up with arms wrapped around her, her neck stiff and her back hurting. she turned around to see alvaro, a small smile forming on her face as she lied back down. she snuggled into into alvaro's chest and immediately became soft, but the feeling was short lived when alvaro moved, sending kassandra on the floor.

kassandra groaned as she stood up, looking at alvaro who was still peacefully asleep. she looked on the other couch and saw tiny asleep, but there was no miguel so he probably went home. she walked to lalo's room and opened the door, vienna sleeping on the left, flaco in the middle, and lalo on the right.

"hey whores," kassandra picked up a ball of rolled up socks and threw it at vienna. vienna scrunched her face as the ball came in contact with her nose, vienna opening her eyes and grabbing a pillow to launch at kassandra.

"do you know how uncomfortable it is sleeping with these two motherfuckers? and flacko's bitch ass slept smack in the middle." vienna mumbled, her voice groggy. kassandra laughed and lied on the bed with her best friends, squeezing in between vienna and flaco.

"move," flaco groaned, pushing kassandra away from him. kassandra scooted closer to vienna who was all the way against the wall already. she was squished and the boys had a shit load of room. kassandra used all her force to push flaco into lalo, only managing to scoot him over a little bit but it was enough.

"the fuck are all of you guys doing in my bed?" lalo asked, his voice raspy. he barely had any voice left, if we were being honest. flaco let out a loud groan before sitting up and looking around him, his head immediately pounding at the sunlight that peaked into the room. he saw kassandra hugging vienna, vienna just letting herself be cuddled. then he saw lalo with a pillow over his head.

"i'm going to sleep in the living room, ya'll are annoying." flaco muttered, kassandra raising her head to look at the hungover and annoyed boy.

"the couches are taken by alvaro and tiny, have fun on the floor." kassandra informed him. flaco groaned and let himself fall back onto the bed.

"wake up, bitch." he took the pillow from lalo and lalo pulled his blankets over his head. flaco also pulled the blankets away from him.

"what the fuck," lalo groaned, sitting up. he grabbed his phone and seen that his phone was spammed with messages from other foos in the barrio. they were all saying how the word got out about lalo beating up someone from a rival barrio, and the rival barrio wasn't too happy about it. he wasn't worried about it though.

"we should start cleaning, get this shit over with," lalo suggested, getting up from the bed and letting out a loud yawn. kassandra and flaco got up as well, the only one still sleeping was vienna.

"get up," kassie tugged on her leg. vienna kicked kassie off of her and kassie punched her leg. vienna got up and glared at kassie, kassie smiling at her best friend.

lalo walked out of his room and seen random strangers lying on his floor, bring his hands up to rub his temples. he told everyone that either they get up and help clean or they get up and go home, everyone getting up to go home.

kassandra grabbed a trash bag and walked outside, seeing the garage open. she looked in the garage to see alvaro's friends passed out on the couches lalo had in there, a laugh escaping her mouth as she walked towards the three boys.

"looks like ya'll had a good time last night," she shook alejandro awake. alejandro groaned and rubbed his eyes, his memories of last night gone. he quickly sat up and looked around, shaking his head at the mess around him.

after the other boys got up, they offered to stay and help clean the mess. there wasn't that big of a mess, people just didn't know how to throw their shit away and it really irritated kassandra. this is exactly why she doesn't have parties.

"hey what are you guys doing after this?" lalo looked up, wiping the sweat from his head.

"probably gonna go home and go to sleep," kassandra shrugged.

"or you can go with us to chicano park, sunday funday." flaco butted in.

and that wasn't a bad idea at all. what better way to spend your sunday funday than with your pals?

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